Assignment Ideas


What kind of podcasts can you make?

  • Capture group discussion.
  • Present research as a story.
  • Create an audio play.

Why podcasting?

  • Develop communication skills.
  • Develop writing skills through scripting.
  • Develop creative writing skills with audio plays.
  • New way to present research.
  • Develop digital literacy.

The Seneca Sandbox and Humber Libraries Idea Lab have equipment and spaces where your students can record and edit audio.

Studios & Equipment:

The Seneca Sandbox and Humber Libraries Idea Lab have equipment and spaces where your students can record and edit audio.

Online Resources:


What kind of videos could you make?

  • Elevator Pitches.
  • Mock Interviews.
  • Demonstrations.
  • Animated Videos.

Why Videos?

  • Develop writing skills through scripting.
  • Develop media literacy.

Studios & Equipment:

The Seneca Sandbox and Humber Libraries Idea Lab have equipment and spaces where your students can film and edit video.

Online Resources:


What kind of websites could you make?

  • ePortfolio.
  • Field trip report.
  • Tutorial.
  • Blog.

Why Websites?

  • Develop writing skills through scripting.
  • Breaks writing assignments into smaller, more frequent deliverables (blogging).
  • Practise writing for a public audience.

Online Resources:


What kind of digital stories could you make?

  • Start-ups or established companies promoting their product or service through telling their story.
  • Victims of abuse or war telling their story as a means to heal and inform.
  • Individuals with various developmental disabilities telling their story through images and music when a text-based story may not be a option.
  • Immigrants and newcomers telling their story or the story of their families to raise awareness and support advocacy.
  • To commemorate a great life or infamous character.

Online Resources:


Why Infographics?

  • Convey complex information in a concise and visually appealing manner.
  • Tell stories with data.
  • People remember 80% of what they see but only 20% of what they read and 10% of what they hear (source).

Online Resources:


Why 3D Printing?

3D Printing might be an avenue to explore for courses with the following learning outcomes:

  • Prototyping.
  • 3D design.
  • Design Thinking .

Online Resources:


Contact the Seneca Sandbox or Humber Libraries Idea Lab for more information on supporting digital assignments.