The Chemical Engineering Laboratory is arranged for thestudy of unit operations by the students of the chemicalcourse. The apparatus is commercial equipment of moderndesign, which has been equipped with numerous meters,gauges and measuring devices for accurately testing themachines. The students make quantitative studies of factoryoperations and of the problems involved in the design ofequipment. The unit operations studied include heat transfer,fluid flow, distillation, evaporation, drying, etc.

The Mechanical Engineer is concerned with the problemsof design, construction and operation of machine tools, of thepower machinery to operate these tools and of power machineryin general, such as refrigeration, ventilation, automotive,hydraulic and heat transfer machines. He is greatlyconcerned with the problems of industrial management andpublic affairs in general. The subject matter covered by thisdepartment has been developed with these points in mind.

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In the third year, the student is introduced to the severalbasic courses in engineering such as thermodynamics, heatpower, hydraulics, strength of materials, machine design andelectricity. A knowledge of the problems of our social andindustrial life is obtained by a study of economics, staff controland business law.

The Mechanical Engineering Laboratory is designed tomeet the general purposes of testing and studying machinesand materials. It consists of several distinct sections devotedto the special phases of experimental engineering. These sectionsare as follows: steam, internal combustion engines, flowof fluids, hydraulics, fuels and oils, metallurgy and heat treatment,and machine tools.

The test work in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratoryis designed to familiarize the student with the constructiondetails, features of operation, methods of control and thecomparative merits of the various machines. The student istaught to operate these machines in the safest possible mannerand test them along the lines adopted by the various professionalengineering societies.

This course is essentially one of preparation for thesucceeding work in machine design. It includes thestudy of links, bands and contact motion; of gears andgear teeth, epicyclic trains and cams. The recitationsand lectures are supplemented by work in the draftingroom where numerous problems are solved graphically.

A course for senior mechanical engineering students.This course continues the work of the previous yearin Mechanisms. It is outlined to place emphasis on thestrength as well as the motion of machine elements andtheir final assembly into the complete machine. Thetheory of the graphic solutions of problems is developedand applied to the analysis of the stress in machines,including the effects of friction. Both theoretical andempirical methods are applied to the design of machines.Its purpose is to instruct students to attack problemsin a direct and orderly manner. Three hours of lecturesand recitations and three hours of drafting room workper week throughout the year.

A course in design for non-mechanical students.This course is subdivided into two parts. Part onedeals with general design and is further divided intotwo sub-groups. The first part of this sub-group dealswith what is commonly called Mechanisms and thesecond part deals with subject matter which is usuallyassociated with Machine Design courses which shouldlead to the ability to proportion parts of machine elements.Part two is for the purpose of making thestudent acquainted with materials and their characteristicsthrough microscopic examination. In this partof the work the student is required to examine not onlysteels but non-ferrous materials such as brasses andalloys of aluminum as well. This information coupledwith that given in Course Phys 30 should acquaint thestudent with materials from any points of view andshould make him conscious of the important part playedby materials in design work.

The courses in mechanics are designed to provide the studentwith a sound foundation in a subject which occupiesa position of basic importance in all branches of engineeringand especially in the analysis and design of machines andstructures.

Design of the rotor bolts [16]: The fastening elements that are used to join the blades with the final plates and the shaft with the blades are bolts subjected to static loads, so design theories for combined static loads are applied. The Octahedral shear stress Theory is applied to one of the points subjected to normal stress and the other subjected to shear stress by means of the equation 12.

DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE: The structure of the wind turbine will be composed of two trusses and six beams of which four are loaded beams and these supports the rotor, the other two beams are unloaded beams as they provide stability and rigidity to the structure. This must provide resistance to the loads to which the turbine will be subjected (wind loads, weight loads of the same structure and the rotor), rigidity, low deflection in the elements and minimum turbulence of the air flow that enters the rotor. Since the structure will be formed by two lateral trusses joined by beams, all its component elements must be designed, so the design of the structure is focused on the analysis of the trusses, analysis of the beams and later on the design of the Connection elements.

Design of the elements or structural profiles of the truss. Based on the tensile or compression forces that support the elements of the fence, we proceed to the determination of the stresses caused by internal loads in each element, considering that each element that forms the structure supports axial loads that generate traction and compression normal stresses [16]. Since the structure does not support live loads, its size is small compared to roof structures, and since most of the loads are dead, it is designed from the normal stress equation given by (13).

Modeling the wind turbine by using the solidworks computational tool: the entire design process of the physical components of the wind turbine was presented based on the application of the different design theories for the different load conditions of the component elements. Thanks to the design process, the necessary dimensions of the component elements were determined to allow an adequate mechanical resistance to the loads, minimum deformations and stability in the support structure, as well as the selection of the relevant materials of each element, connection forms or union, functionality, aesthetics and manufacturing costs. The dimensions thus determined, and the shape of the elements were modeled by using the Solidworks computational tool. The modeling process consists of obtaining 3D of each component element giving it its corresponding shape and the required dimensions. Subsequently, the assembly process is passed through the tools provided by the program, such as positional relationships. The general assembly of the wind turbine is presented in Fig. 12.

The main shaft of the rotor required certain dimensions according to its design process. The tree was then submitted to the turning process with its initial dimensions to bring it to said dimensions. During the mechanization of the tree, it became necessary to use a bezel to support the tree due to its length of 1.5 m. The use of the calibrator and micrometer as measuring elements was essential to guarantee the required dimensions of said mechanical element. e24fc04721

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