The play was adapted as an opera libretto by the author and set to music by the composer Gottfried von Einem, under the title Der Besuch der alten Dame and translated as The Visit of the Old Lady, and was first performed in 1971.[4]

Der Pfarrer ist ein frommer und glubiger, aber ebenfalls korrumpierbarer Mann, der im Dorf Gllen hoch angesehen ist. Ill sucht bei ihm Rat. Der Pfarrer hat eine gespaltene Meinung, zum einen will er das Geld von Frau Zachanassian, zum anderen vertritt er vor den Brgern die Moral. Am Ende des Gesprches kann er Ill nur raten zu fliehen, da er vermeiden will, dass die Gllner durch Ills Anwesenheit in Versuchung gebracht werden.

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Im weiteren Verlauf wird deutlich, dass dies nicht immer so war. Viele Geschfte und Fabriken, die frher einmal von Bedeutung waren, sind pleite und stehen leer. Selbst der Bahnhof hat an Bedeutung verloren. Es halten nicht mehr die Zge, die frher einmal dort gehalten haben.

Es steht geschrieben |Der Blinde |Romulus der Groe |Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi |Ein Engel kommt nach Babylon |Der Besuch der alten Dame |Frank der Fnfte |Die Physiker |Herkules und der Stall des Augias |Der Meteor |Die Wiedertufer |Play Strindberg |Portrt eines Planeten |Der Mitmacher |Die Frist |Die Panne |Dichterdmmerung |Achterloo |Rollenspiele |Achterloo IV

Love exists in our life with its complexity. According to Giddens [1] love can be occurred based on two things, namely passionate love and romantic love. Sometimes people are trapped by love and they are stuck in an un-idealized life. This illustration is often presented in literature. Drrenmatt's drama Der Besuch der alten Dame illustrates the struggle of love, violence and injustice experienced by a woman, Claire. She suffered physical and mental for a long time because of love. But she was able to rise up. She did not give her life to destiny. In adversity quotient theory, Claire can be categorized as climber, the figure who never give up until reaching the top. Stoltz [2] divides human into three types, quitter, camper, and climber. Quitter stops in the middle of climbing process. A camper never reaches the top but he is satisfied with what has been achieved and not trying to reach the top. Climber is the core of Adversity Quotient (AQ). Climber is always optimistic in looking at opportunities, and hopes behind the impossibility and always trying to go ahead and reach the top. Claire is a climber, because she can reach the top by finding the justice.

Der Besuch der alten Dame is perhaps Friedrich Drrenmatts most successful play in terms of critical acclaim and box office success. Millionairess Clara Zachanassian is the old lady of the title who returns to her native village, nursing an ancient grudge against her former lover, Ill. She offers the people of Gllen a billion in return for his life. This is rejected by them, but gradually economic necessity takes over. People start buying new shoes when they could not afford them before. New buildings start to appear. Ill realises that he is doomed, and accepts this with dignity. Drrenmatt makes good use of the stage effects available to him clichs of advertising, slapstick, burlesque comedy and, to close the play, a parody of Sophoclean chorus. Language is used with great skill to help produce alienation.

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Gillian Pye, Sarah McEvoy & Siobhan Donovan, UCD - Der Besuch der alten Dame PowerPoint Part 1 PowerPoint 2 Resource File 1 Resource File 2

N2 - This paper is an original exploration of the wide structural, compositional and formal similarities between Friedrich Diirrenmatt's successful play The Visit (1956) and the post-western film BAD DAY AT BLACK ROcK (1955). Locating both works within the context of their recent history (World War II) and their own time (1950s), this comparative analysis argues that their particular deconstructions and revisions of the >national myths< of their countries of origin reveal the paradigm of collective guilt as a fundamental commonality of the pair.

AB - This paper is an original exploration of the wide structural, compositional and formal similarities between Friedrich Diirrenmatt's successful play The Visit (1956) and the post-western film BAD DAY AT BLACK ROcK (1955). Locating both works within the context of their recent history (World War II) and their own time (1950s), this comparative analysis argues that their particular deconstructions and revisions of the >national myths< of their countries of origin reveal the paradigm of collective guilt as a fundamental commonality of the pair.

1970 BOOK REVIEWS 343 Heidsieck'sdefinition of the tragi-comic, but he may well appreciate the author's evaluation of Frisch. Dr. Heidsieck brings 011t well the wide divergence in character and technique between the two Swiss dramatists and gives a revealing ac count of Frisch's dependence on Brecht. Dr. Heidsieck~s book was a long time going to press. Had the author been able to consider Diirrenmatt's more recent comments on Die Physiker (Theater Beutel Heft 9, September 1968), he might have revised his opinion of the play. Die Physikerfits into the grotesque scheme but should not be regarded as a political drama, and if Dr. Heidsieck cares to examine Diirrenmatt's latest works, which are definitely political in content, he may find that the grotesque art has deteriorated. FRIEDRlqB DVRRENMATT, by Armin Arnold, Kopfe des XX Jahrhunderts, Vol. 57, Colloquium Verlag, Berlin" 1969, 96 pp. Price DM 5,80. In this very useful series, "Personalities of the XX Century," modem drama is well represented with Camus,Sartre, Shaw, Brecht, Hauptmann, Grass, Frisch and Borchert. Each little volume is meant to introduce the uninitiated to the man, his life and his work. The reader of this volume may disagree with the priorities, believing that less space should have been devoted to prose-works and more to Diirrenmatt's very significant contribution to dramatic theory. In other respects the book is well planned, the progression from novel to drama carefully delineated, the relation between the two perspicuously observed. Quite obviously Professor Arnold enjoys reading Diirrenmatt and has a profound knowledge of secondary literature. One wonders, however, whether his approach is entirely suited to a man who writes mainly for the theatre and whose contempt for "literary drama" is well known. Does Arnold, in fact, fully appreciate Diirrenmatt's art? On page 83, for instance, he remarks, in a tone of surprise, that Diirrenmatt "seems ... to have become a completely different man:' Indeed he has, f0r it was precisely at this stage, after the production of Der BUnde} that the Diirrenmatt theatre, as we know it today, was born, when the dramatist stopped looking for ideas to clothe in flesh and started making a hall of mirrors produce the ideas for him, playing cat-and-mouse with audience, reader and critic alike. Tracing themes through Diirrenmatt's work is like finding one's way through a maze-one advances in circles, which is precisely what Arnold does in his search for Diirrenmatt's cruel god. (The word. appears on 24 pages.) If God has a sig. nificance in the plays, then it is only as one of many theatrical devices used to expose the stupidity of men and should not command undue attention. Also out of place in a work of this type are parallels-interesting though they be-between Der Besuch der alten Dame and Mark Twain's The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburgh (pp. 44-46). The reader will be surprised at the superficiality of some of the author's ob servations; the discussion of Romulus der Grosse, for instance, is hardly more than a rehash of the plot; and eyebrows will be railed at certain conclusions. Thus the teacher in Der Besuch der alten Dame is called "the only good person in Durrenmatt 's work" (p. 45). In fact, though aware of his weaknesses, he is the prime propagator of hollow principles which render his moral collapse all the more despicable. Comparing Die Wiedertiiufer with the early version, Es steht geschrieben} Arnold carefully notes the changes that have been made, observes, correctly, that Bockelson has been turned into an actor and artist-failure resembling Hitler, and yet he 344 MODERN DRAMA December claims (p. 29) that the play "contains no new message:' Surely the message-if we insist on one-is found in this actor-politician who misuses the theatre for political ends? Why the concluding lines should be termed "vague (or absurd)" (p. 28) is also difficult to conceive. Though it is to Arnold's credit that he was able to include a discussion of Dur renmatl's latest plays, which have a definite affinity with the Theatre of the Ab surd. this aspect should not...

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