Lighting Faces with Team Deakins

Saturday 2/10, 2:00 pm  

On Stage 21A, DePaul's Cinespace Studios 

2525 W. 15th St., Chicago IL 60608

RSVP does not guarantee admission.  

We will seat-first come first served, and you may be turned away

You may not come if you have not RSVPed.

This event is open to DePaul Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and invited industry guests.

Join us in a Lighting Faces Workshop headed by Roger and James Deakins. Roger has said that "If you can light a face and tell a story, you can light a set." Come and watch as they work with a team to guide us through lighting a variety of faces.

DePaul's student shuttle leaves at 1:30pm from the loop

There is limited parking at Cinespace and all vistors must be registered with Security in order to park.  Your name and email below will be submitted but parking is not guaranteed.