Industrial Visit Report

Visit to Webel Fujisoft Vara Centre of Excellence in Industry 4.0

Date: 4th August,2023

Students participated in a workshop at the Webel Fujisoft Vara Centre of Excellence in Industry 4.0 as part of an Industrial Visit. The center, a collaboration between Webel, Fujisoft Inc, and Vara Technology, aims to promote research and innovation in Industry 4.0 technologies. The visit aimed to provide students with hands-on exposure to advanced technologies shaping manufacturing.

·         The center boasts cutting-edge facilities, including:

·         IoT devices and sensors for real-time data collection from machines and processes.

·         Data analytics for insights from large datasets, enhancing efficiency.

·         State-of-the-art 3D printing technologies for comprehensive additive manufacturing R&D.

·         During the visit, students:

·         Explored a smart manufacturing cell demonstrating automated processes using IoT, data analytics, and 3D printing.

·         Saw a predictive maintenance model utilizing data analytics to forecast equipment issues.

·         Engaged in discussions with experts, gaining insights into Industry 4.0 challenges and benefits.

·         This experience offered students practical insights into the transformative potential of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing.

Technical Poster Presentation

Department of CSE(AIML) and CSBS have successfully conducted technical poster presentation on 10/04/2023 (4:10- 5:30 PM). The topic was emerging development on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AR/VR and IoT technology. The students of both Second and Third have participated in this event. The venue was: Computing Lab 4th Floor.

Universal Acceptance UA Day

The department of CSBS and CSE(AIML) has successfully helped in organizing the event Universal Acceptance UA Day #Internet4All by ICANN in association with NIXXI, IIFON and the Ministry of Information Technology of West Bengal on 21st March 2023.

The Event started with the Keynote speeches:

1)Dr. Ajay Data, Chair, UASG (Universal Acceptance Steering Group)

2)Mr. Anil Jain, CEO, NIXI 

3) Mr. Sanjay Kumar Das, Joint Secretary, IT&E Department, Government of West Bengal

4) Mr. Nitin Wali, Senior Director of Stakeholder Engagement for the South Asia region, ICANN ( Internet

Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)

5) Dr. Sibansu Mukherjee. Director Society for National Language Technology Research and SNLTR Team

6) Mr. Anupam Agrawal, Chair, India Internet Foundation

Followed by a Panel Discussion session with personnel from TCS research, Air India.

And finally, a technical "Workshop Enabling UA to support IDN and EAI" where the students of 3rd Yr attended and concluded on 22nd March 2023.

Industry Talk on Machine Learning (11/09/2021)

Industry talk on Mobile App Development


Alumni Talk on Machine Learning and Deep Learning (14/09/2021)

Industry Talk on High Performance computing


                    Innovation & Entrepreneurship Workshop Series Day 3                                                                                                   Innovation & Entrepreneurship Workshop Series Day 5

Industry Talk by emninent speaker Mr. Debjit Ray (Program Director Mintree). Conducted under IEMCONNECT by Department of CSE(AIML),CSBS