Welcome to my homepage. I am a theoretical physicist working in the Space Science Group at the Center for Applied Space Science and Microgravity ZARM of University of Bremen and the Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors (IQS) at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Ferdinand-Braun-Institut. 

My main research interests are the interface of quantum physics and gravity and the interaction of quantum systems with freely propagating electrons like they can be found, for example, in electron microscopes. The first comprises the behavior of quantum systems in gravitational fields, quantum sensing of weak gravitational effects like the gravitational field of light and particle beams and the gravitational interaction of quantum systems. The second deals, for instance, with the control and read out of spin systems through their interaction with passing electrons. My research is also concerned with ultra-cold atomic gases and quantum optomechanics. Details about the research fields that I am involved in and my current and previous projects can be found here.

I worked also as a film maker and produced several short films and a feature documentary. Details can be found on my vlog