Hello, welcome! ☀️

I'm Jie, a theoretical ecologist. I am fascinated by how ecological communities respond to changing environments. In particular, I have been working on explaining and predicting changes in the composition of diverse ecological communities, ranging from microbes to plants to animals.

I'm excited to be joining Kevin Foster's group in Oxford as a postdoc this September. I recently completed my PhD in Systems Ecology at MIT under the supervision of Serguei Saavedra.

Thesis Projects

To what extent can we predict invasion outcomes using coexistence knowledge?

To what extent can a suitable neighboring species help a forbidden pair to coexist?

Can we theoretically identify the game-changing species in microbial communities?

What general principle governs the development of biodiversity in ecological communities?


Research Areas

Theoretical Ecology
Population dynamics
Metabolic scaling theory
Complex systems
Causal inference
Deep learning
Probability theory
Stochastic differential equations


PhD in Systems Ecology
Advisor: Prof. Serguei Saavedra
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MPhil in Computational Mathematics
Advisors: Prof. Yanping Lin, Prof. Zhonghua Qiao
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

BSc in Statistics
Zhejiang University




Office 1-240, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States