Business STudy abroad in Italy


Expected Summer 2025 Schedule 


The minimum requirements for participation in the program are at least a 2.00/4.00 GPA; good-standing with the student’s home university or college; and at least 19 years of age by the date of departure.  Students will enroll for a maximum of 6 hours of credit.  Course offerings are listed below:

        ECON 3600* –  International Economics

IB 3000* – Introduction to International Business

IB 3600* – International Business and Culture

MBA 7409*- International Business and Culture

*The courses are all open to all VSU and non-VSU students. 

** Out-of-state students pay-in-state tuition: Out-of-state students will receive an out-of-state tuition waiver [i.e. tuition for participation will be charged at the in-state level] only when the participants are enrolled ONLY for study abroad courses for any given term. 

2023 Study Abroad to Croatia and Turkey

2019 Study Abroad to Croatia and Italy  

2018 Study Abroad to Croatia

2016 Study Abroad to Germany and Czech Republic 

2013 Study Abroad to Turkey