Lab philosophy

The DEMOS lab’s research goal is to understand how people think broadly about democracy and identity. From the processes and norms that structure democratic inputs, to the material outputs that democracy produces, and to the people and groups that fight for representation, our work investigates the grammar of democratic attitudes. This research is methodologically rigorous (and legible), transparent in its documentation, and treats research participants with the dignity they deserve.

As a research incubator, the lab provides the opportunity for UA and affiliate researchers to collaborate. The lab environment is designed to be inclusive to different perspectives, and members are encouraged to give input into both the research and interpersonal dynamics of working in a research team. Practically, we ensure accountability in our research through things like pre-registration and open-sourcing analytical protocols. 

Collaborations and co-authoring opportunities for UA students

UA lab members who work collaboratively with Dr. Davis on lab-based projects assume co-authorship duties -- literally the whole point of the DEMOS Lab is to provide space for incubation and mentorship. At the outset of each project, we will spend time talking about expectations and contributions to make clear how these co-author relationships work.