What do you need
to know


Technical requirements

For the Democracy Labs we use Zoom as a communication platform.

What do you need to take part in online event?

  • Access to a computer or tablet with stable internet connection.

  • Access to microphone and preferably camera.

  • For better experience it is advised to use headphones, but it is not mandatory.

What is a Democracy Lab? When does is take place?

Local Democracy Lab is a deliberative online event which gathers people to discuss the condition of democracy in Scotland through the lens of present covid-19 challenges.

It takes place on April 30, 2021 via Zoom online communication platform and takes 3 hours. The event will be preceded by an asynchronous idea generation and exchange through Your Priorities platform, which is a complimentary activity to the actual event and participation is voluntary. You will also be able to contribute your ideas and viewpoint to the platform after the event.

What are the discussion points?

The Local Democracy Lab is about surfacing people's opinions about the condition of democracy and their trust in government. This knowledge will feed in the PaCE research and outcomes will be widely disseminated among policymakers in Europe. To make our discussions contextualised, we will be deliberating key issues through the lens of pandemics and restrictions imposed by governments. Conversation will be framed around 3 rounds of discussion: explorative, deepening and reflective, and held in smaller groups to encourage meaningful and constructive interaction.

How can I join the Scotland Democracy Lab?

To take part in Scotland Democracy Lab, we invite you to register through the registration form.

The link to the event and other important information will be sent to you upon registration.

I live in Scotland but I am a citizen of a different country. Can I take part?

We encourage everyone to participate, including minorities, people with migration background, of different educational and professional background and ensure gender balance. The only formal requirement is that you must be at least 16 years old.

How can I access Your Priorities platform?

Your Priorities platform will be launched 10 days prior the event and the link will be sent to you directly by email.

What will be done with the outcomes of the Democracy Lab?

By sharing your opinion on democracy, you will have a beneficial impact on the European research and innovation project 'PaCE' (Populism and Civic Engagement), and have an an active voice in the process of evolution and development of democracy across Europe.

I have some other questions and would like to talk to the organisers, how can I reach them?

You are welcome to contact us directly! Please reach out to Sophie sophie@demsoc.eu or Annie: annie@demsoc.eu