Digital Fabrication of Polyhedral Moulds

Following are snippets from the digital fabrication class, of which I was a student of during my masters studies.

A series of studies and exercises were conducted in order to create methods for the fabrication of physical models of a rhombicuboctahedron. Throughout the process, a shift for a more “digital” approach was prioritized.

Assembly processes were iterated in animation software prior to the manufacture of both solid and surface based physical models.

A series of studies and exercises were conducted in order to create methods for the fabrication of physical models of a rhombicuboctahedron. Throughout the process, a shift for a more “digital” approach was prioritized.

Assembly processes were iterated in animation software prior to the manufacture of both solid and surface based physical models (1).

Physical models were approached in two stages, starting with a surface representation and progressing to a solid model.

Surface models were created with the aid of animation and CAD software, and a laser cutter, initially with glued flap details.

Assembly processes including manual labor through matching and gluing, involved risks of human error, and high material thickness (1.0 mm) caused gaps in model edges. Greater model size, manual modifications and a coat of spray paint were applied to improve quality, increasing production time and reducing consistency.

As a solution, click-fit details were tested in addition to thinner sheet material (0.5 mm). After two iterations of different designs, a satisfactory set of details were constructed.Inclusion of click-fit methods reduce human error, decrease assembly time and provide more consistent products.

For the solid model, plans for laser cut units of two types were drawn within CAD software, and manufactured by a laser cutter out of 1.0 mm thick, paper based material for the assembly of modular mold units.

General purpose fasteners were utilized to assemble the complete mold for the rhombicuboctahedron with square and triangle “atom” units. Interior of the mold was covered with Vaseline®, and corner gaps were closed with Play-Doh in order to prevent leaks and provide reusability.

Solid models, of medium sizes (5.0 cm per edge) can be produced within 10 minutes per mold. Build quality is dependent on manual labor utilized on the assembly of molds (3).

For improvement, general purpose fasteners are to be replaced by 3d printed custom fasteners which interact with holes that are to be cut on unit flaps. Through such application, a more digital approach akin to the click-fit details tried on the surface model is to be acquired (4).

For addional benefit, these same units can also be used to construct molds for other polyhedra, based on squares and equilateral triangles. For further study, additional types of “atoms” of different geometries can be produced in order to construct a greater variance of polyhedra.

References[1] Gershenfeld, N. (2012). How to Make Almost Anything. Foreign Affairs, V:91, No:6