Titles and abstracts

Avraham Aizenbud

Bounds on multiplicities of symmetric pairs of (pro-) finite groups

Abstract. I'll talk about a recent result, joint with Nir Avni, about uniform bounds on multiplicities of irreducible representations inside symmetric spaces like GL_n(\Z_p)/O_n(\Z_p). The bound that we obtain is uniform in p.

Anne-Marie Aubert

Non-singular representations of p-adic reductive groups and L-packets

Abstract. We will recall, and illustrate in several examples, the notion of non-singular supercuspidal representation of a tamely ramified p-adic reductive group G, which was recently introduced and studied by Kaletha.

We conjecture that, when p is very good for G, every L-packet contains a representation the supercuspidal support of which is non-singular. We will show that the conjecture holds true under some expected properties of the local Langlands correspondence.

Erik P. van den Ban

The Parseval identity for the Whittaker Fourier transform

Abstract. In the talk we will discuss the notion of Fourier transform on a Schwartz space of K-finite Whittaker functions for a real reductive group G. In his announcement of the Whittaker Plancherel formula, in 1982, Harish-Chandra formulated a Parseval identity for it.

In the posthumous volume 5 of his collected works, the proof of this identity appears to be incomplete. In the talk we will explain a suitable refinement of the theory of Fourier and Wave packet transforms, based on the uniform tempered estimates for Whittaker integrals given in our paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.11044 (with references to Wallach's work) and on a precise understanding of the constant term of such integrals, to appear in a forthcoming paper. 

We will also explain how this refined theory can be used to complete the proof of the Parseval identity. There is a remarkable analogy with the theory of reductive symmetric spaces.

Joseph Bernstein

Hidden sign in the Langlands' correspondence

Abstract. Let G be a reductive group over a p-adic field F.

We fix some algebraically closed field C of characteristic 0 and consider smooth representations of the group G in vector spaces over C. The Local Langlands' Correspondence (LLC) attempts to describe the set Irr(G;C) of equivalence classes of simple (irreducible) objects in this category in terms of the dual group.

Namely, denote by Ǧ the algebraic group over C that is the dual group of G (I will talk only about the split groups). Consider the set Lan(G) of Langlands parameters, defined by Lan(G)=Mor(W_F, Ǧ)/Ǧ (quotient with respect to the adjoint action).

Langlands suggested that there should be some correspondence Φ: Lan(G) Irr(G;C).

After modifying both sides this correspondence is supposed to give a bijection.

Notice that both sets in this correspondence are functorial in C. However, the standard Langlands' correspondence is not compatible with automorphisms of C

I will explain why this is the case.

I will also describe another set Lan '(G) of "modified" Langlands' parameters and formulate the LLC as a correspondence Ψ: Lan '(G) Irr(G;C) that is functorial in C.

This modified correspondence does not differ too much from the standard LLC. But I think that it is important to formulate and prove statement in a correct categorical framework, so I think that "correct" version of the Langlands' correspondence should be formulated using modified Langlands' parameters (for p-adic case, for real case and for automorphic case).

Pierre-Henri Chaudouard

Spectral expansion of the symmetric space GL(n,E)/GL(n,F)

Abstract. We will discuss the automorphic spectral expansion of the symmetric space GL(n,E)/GL(n,F) where E/F is a quadratic extension of number fields.

Laurent Clozel

Some analytic aspects of automorphic L-functions

Abstract. In two recent papers, one of them with Peter Sarnak, I have studied lower bounds on quadratic integrals of automorphic L-functions on the line Re(s)= 1/2. The proofs rely on the Mellin transform. The proof implies in particular  an estimate on the abscissa of convergence of L(s) when L(s) is a standard, or Rankin L-function, under the Ramanujan conjecture; lower bounds on the quadratic integrals on 'short' intervals in t (s=1/2+it), of length of the order of log C, C being the analytic conductor; and estimates on the first non-trivial Frobenius in an Artin representation. I will  also advertise an interesting problem relating this to subconvexity.

Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou

Real orbits of real loci of complex homogeneous spherical spaces

Abstract. Let X be a spherical homogeneous spherical space under a complex reductive algebraic group G.

Given a real structure on X invariant under a real form of G, I will explain how one may parametrize the orbits on the corresponding real locus of X under the action of the alluded real form.

My talk deals with some joint work with Dima Timashev.

Jan Frahm

Interwining operators between principal series of GL(n+1,R) and GL(n,R) and branching laws

Abstract. The multiplicities of the restriction of an irreducible representation of a real reductive group G to a reductive subgroup H are always finite if the corresponding homogeneous space (GxH)/diag(H) is real spherical. Under this assumption, we construct explicit families of intertwining operators between principal series representations of G and H. These families depend meromorphically on the induction parameters, and for generic parameters they span the space of all intertwining operators.

For the special case (G,H)=(GL(n+1,R),GL(n,R)) we find an explicit holomorphic renormalization of the meromorphic families of intertwining operators in terms of local L-factors. We will further explain how to use the holomorphic families to obtain the explicit direct integral decompositions of all irreducible unitary representations of GL(3,R) when restricted to GL(2,R).

Bernhard Krötz

Poisson transform and unipotent complex geometry

Abstract. Joint with Gimperlein, Roncal and Thangavelu. For the abstract itself refer to https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.14088.pdf

Job Kuit

The most continuous part of the Plancherel decomposition for a real spherical space -- Part II (joint work with Eitan Sayag)

Abstract. Let Z be a unimodular homogeneous space of a real reductive group G. In this talk I will discuss the derivation of the Plancherel decomposition of the most continuous part of L^2(Z). The starting point is the construction and the properties of the H-fixed functionals discussed in the first part by Eitan Sayag. We endow the spaces of H-fixed funcitonals with inner products. For this we use the constant term maps given by Delorme, Krötz, Souaifi and Beuzart-Plessis. The resulting Hilbert spaces occur in the Plancherel decomposition as the multiplicity spaces. This is a consequence of a refinement of the Maass-Selberg relations which were obtained by Delorme, Knop, Krötz and Schlichtkrull.

Erez Lapid

Bernstein-Zelevinsky classification for the admissible dual of covering groups of GL_n (joint with Eyal Kaplan and Jiandi Zou)

Bertrand Lemaire

On the unipotent contribution to the trace formula for functions fields

Abstract. We are interested in the fine expansion of the unipotent contribution to Arthur trace formula for G(F) where G is a connected reductive group defined over a global field of characteristic p>0. For this we develop a Kempf-Rousseau-Hesselink theory of unipotent F-strata in G(F). These F-strata play the role of the unipotent geometric orbits in Arthur's work. Thanks to the previous work of Chaudouard and Laumon, we obtain the Hoffmann variant of the fine expansion of the unipotent contribution to the trace formula. The result should be true for any p even if today the proof is complete only for p>5.

Nadir Matringe

Global distinction and intertwining periods

Abstract. Let (G, H) be a Galois pair for G an inner form of GL_n over a number field, and \rho be a cuspidal automorphic representation of G(A). The Maass-Selberg relations established by Jacquet-Lapid-Rogawsky allow to relate poles of open intertwining periods of \rho\times \rho* at s=0 to distinction of \rho. On the other hand the Jacquet-Lapid-Rogawski unramified formula for such intertwining periods allow to reduce the following statement, obtained by Ficker and Hakim under local ramification assumptions, to a local problem: if \rho has cuspidal Jacquet-Langlands transfer, then it is distinguished if and only so is its transfer. The local problem is reduced to compute the order of the pole at s=0 of the open intertwining period attached to \pi\times \pi* when \pi is a local distinguished unitary representation with generic transfer, which one can do using Beuzart-Plessis' results on discrete series as a starting point.

Omer Offen

A new application of the residue method

Abstract. The residue method was introduced by Jacquet and Rallis in order to compute period integrals on residual automorphic representations. It has since been applied by many authors, mainly for residual representations with cuspidal data supported on a maximal Levi subgroup. This talk is about an application of the residue method to certain residual representations of Sp(4n+2), with cuspidal data supported on a co-rank two Levi subgroup. Some further complications occur in this case. We will show that the representations we consider admit a non-zero Sp(2(n+1)) x Sp(2n) -invariant linear form. This is a joint work with Solomon Friedberg and David Ginzburg.

Eric Opdam

An application of the nonsymmetric hypergeometric Paley-Wiener theorem

Abstract. I will discuss the Paley-Wiener theorem for nonsymmetric hypergeometric functions, and as an application show the existence of a certain nonsymmetric differential-reflection operator which raises the parameters of the nonsymmetric hypergeometric functions.

Yiannis Sakellaridis

Transfer opertors and Hankel transforms via quantization

Abstract. Langlands "Beyond Endoscopy" program, generalized to the setting of the relative trace formula, one should be able to compare the spectra of differential homogeneous spaces by means of "transfer operators" between test measures and characters of those spaces. It is remarkable facts that, in a small number of law-rank cases where such operators are known, they are given by abelian Fourier transforms on the space of orbits, despite the fact that the characters in question are non-abelian.

I will propose a philosophy, whereby the relative trace formula associated to a homogeneous space is a geometric quantization of a certain symplectic "space". More than just a philosophy, in the aforementioned cases it provides a way to describe the transfer operators as a comparison of two different geometric quantizations of (almost) the same symplectic space. Moreover, the same explanation applies to Jacquet's "Hankel transform", that is, the descent of the Kuznetsov formula of the Godement-Jacquet Fourier transform on the space of n x n matrices.

Eitan Sayag

The most continuous part of the Plancherel decomposition for a real spherical space -- Part I (joint work with Job Kuit)

Abstract. Let Z=G/H be a unimodular homogeneous space of a real reductive group G. The Plancherel decomposition of Z is the decomposition of the space L^2(Z) of square integrable functions into a direct integral of irreducible unitary representations of G. In general this decomposition has a mixed discrete and continuous nature.

We consider real spherical homogeneous spaces Z and focus on the most continuous part of L^2(Z), i.e., the closed subspace of L^2(Z) that decomposes in the largest continuous families. In a recent article we gave a precise description of the Plancherel decomposition of the most continuous part. In this first lecture I will discuss the construction and classification of H-fixed functionals on minimal principal series representations.

Vincent Sécherre

Congruence properties of the local functorial transfer for cuspidal representations of quasi-split classical groups

Abstract. Let G be the group of rational points of a quasi-split p-adic classical group for some odd prime number p. Following Arthur and Mok, there are a positive integer N, a p-adic field E and a local functorial transfer from the isomorphism classes of irreducible smooth complex representations of G to those of GL(N,E). Fixing a prime number l different from p and an isomorphism between the field of complex numbers and an algebraic closure of the field of l-adic numbers, we get a transfer between representations with l-adic coefficients. Now consider a cuspidal irreducible l-adic representation V of G. One can define its reduction mod l, which is a semi-simple smooth representation of G of finite length, with coefficients in a finite field of characterictic l. Let V’ be another cuspidal irreducible l-adic representation of G whose reduction mod l is isomorphic to that of V. We prove that the local functorial transfers W, W’ of V, V’ have reductions mod l which may not be isomorphic, but which share a unique common generic irreducible component. This is a joint work with Alberto Minguez. 

Nolan R. Wallach

The quantum non-periodic Toda lattices and the spherical Whittaker inversion formula

Abstract. The Toda lattices are examples of integrable Hamiltonian Systems originally discovered by a plasma physicist. In the late 1970’s Kostant explained how their non-periodic versions can be explicitly solved using representation theory of real Chevalley groups and explained the relationship between the quantized Toda Lattices and Whittaker vectors of the spherical principal series. In my Real Reductive Groups II, I described the Spherical Whittaker Plancherel Theorem as a consequence of the full Theorem and indicated that it explicitly solved the quantum non-periodic Toda lattices. Unfortunately, the results were based on the proof of the Whittaker Plancherel Theorem which had two key errors. One involving the discrete spectrum and the other a key formula in the proof for the continuous spectrum. The fix of the continuous spectrum is based on a theorem of Beuzart-Plessis. Time permitting, I will explain the method in the spherical case which contains almost all of the ideas. The full details for the results in this talk can be found in arXiv.2303.11256.