Practical Information

This conference is funded by the European Union ERC consolidator grant RELANTRA, project number 101044930. We will be able to cover the travel expenses and accomodation of invited speakers as well as of a limited number of participants. 

All the travel and accommodation bookings will be carried out by our administrator who will contact you later on​.

Please submit the pre-registration form to indicate your interest in attending the conference, and we will let you know before end of march whether we can invite you.

Porquerolles (June 19-21)


Hôtel Club IGESA

Rue de la Douane

Ile de Porquerolles

83400 HYERES

Tél.: +33 (0) 94 12 31 80

Fax: +33 (0) 4 94 58 32 47


The access to Porquerolles island is done by a maritime shuttle from the port of the Tour Fondue (peninsula of Giens). You can reach Hyères by train or plane (Toulon-Hyères), then you have to take a taxi or a bus to go to the port.

By plane.

The nearest airport is Toulon-Hyères (9km). Then take 

Other airport possibilities are those of Marseille and Nice.

By train.

The nearest train station is Hyères (11km). From the station, take bus 67 to "La Tour Fondue", the landing stage for the island of Porquerolles.

You can also arrive by the Toulon train station (29km). In this case, take the bus 29 or 39 direction "Gare routière de Hyères". Get off at the "Gare routière" stop and take bus 67 for "La Tour Fondue" (about 30 min by bus).

Extra information.

Regular shuttles ensure the crossing Tour Fondue / Porquerolles. See details of the schedule ( (every hour ~ 20 € ) Tel. +33(0)4 94 58 21 81)

A bus will be reserved on Wednesday June 21 (departure from Tour Fondue at 5pm) for participants going from Porquerolles to Marseille.

Reaching Porquerolles from Marseille airport (Marignane) is not so direct but can be done in the following steps:

To help you organize your trip here are possible combinations between trains/buses/boat from Saint Charles train station to Porquerolles:

Combination 1 (arrival 15h)

-11h32-12h56 Train Marseille-Hyères

-13h23-13h56 Bus 67 Hyères (Gare)-Tour fondue

-14h30-15h Boat

Combination 2 (arrival 16h)

-12h29-13h40 Train Marseille-Hyères (TGV!)

-14h23-14h54 Bus 67 Hyères (Gare)-Tour fondue

-15h30-16h Boat

Combination 3 (arrival 17h)

-13h50-15h16 Train Marseille-Hyères

-15h43-16h14 Bus 67 Hyères (Gare)-Tour fondue

-16h30-17h Boat

Combination 4 (arrival 18h)

-14h33-15h56 Train Marseille-Hyères

-16h23-16h54 Bus 67 Hyères (Gare)-Tour fondue

-17h30-18h Boat

Combination 5 (arrival 19h)

-15h32-16h56 Train Marseille-Hyères

-17h23-17h54 Bus 67 Hyères (Gare)-Tour fondue

-18h30-19h Boat 

Marseille (June 22-23)

The conference will be held at the Hexagone on the campus of Luminy

Access map here


Appart'hotel Odalys Prado Castellane

114 rue du Rouet, 13008 Marseille

How to get there:

By plane. 

International airport Marseille Provence.

Take a taxi or bus 91 (25 mn) to go to : Gare Saint Charles in Marseille

By train. 

Station Marseille Saint Charles

How to go to Luminy.

From Saint Charles: