The first inference is a doctrinal one, but as I have already touched on this, I only briefly hint and then leave it. Here it is. Deliverance from the power of sin is as much the work of God as deliverance from the guilt of sin! Where we look for justification, there must we also look for sanctification, for as we are justified through Jesus Christ, we must also expect to receive sanctification from a heavenly source. We cannot receive the one blessing through the spirit and the other through the flesh. We would infer from the text, speaking doctrinally, that in order to our sanctification and our deliverance from the power of sin, we must look to our heavenly Father, altogether and alone.

Eni later describes how he met a woman at a bus stop who claimed to know "the Queen of the Coast"[note 1] and took him to an undersea city full of "beautiful girls and handsome young men". Here, the woman ate human flesh from a vending machine and forced Eni to swallow a whole boa constrictor; she also gave him the power to turn into "sea animals like hippopotamus, boa constrictor and crocodile".

Delivered From The Power Of Darkness By Emmanuel Eni Pdf Download


 (Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against

 the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 

 but against principalities, against powers, 

 against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 

 against spiritual wickedness in high places)

 Eph. 6:11-12

giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:12-14).

These three overlapping reasons for thankfulness provide us with a concise summary of the gospel and the theme of all Scripture. The Colossian believers have been qualified for the inheritance of the saints, delivered from the domain of darkness and redeemed by the Son. And this is all the work of God; it is his initiative, his plan, and his power that brings it all to pass.

This is what makesthe gospel such good news! On our own, apart from the grace of God, the onlything we are qualified for is death and the wrath of God (Rom. 3:23; 6:23;5:12; Eph 2:1-3). In fact, Jesus himself tells us that people love the darkness rather than the light(John 3:19). But God, in his mercy and through his Son, has made us worthy tobe called children of God (1 John 3:1); he has caused us to not only walk inthe light, but to love the light and becalled children of light (John 12:36; 1 Thess 5:5).

What is alsoremarkable about this passage is that all of these actions are in the pasttense; they are things not only initiated but already decisively accomplishedby God. We have been qualified, we have been delivered from darkness, andwe have been transferred to thekingdom of the Son. This salvation is a present reality! While we do notexperience the full reality now, it is as good as done. For those who haverepented and believed in Jesus, they havebecome citizens of heaven (Phil. 3:20), they have already come, in some sense, to the heavenly Mount Zion (Heb.12:18-24).And when Christ returns, we will fully enter the eternal kingdom of God toenjoy fellowship and communion with the triune God forever (1 Cor. 15:20-28).

These verses remind believers of the strength they have through God to overcome evil and resist the power of darkness. By relying on His guidance, protection, and grace, individuals can stand firm and make choices that align with righteousness and love.

I wanted to test the power of God in the Church and instead of Going to the Hospital, I drove straight to the Prayer meeting, and the glory of God I was miraculously healed and delivered from the clutches of death. Sis. G.I San Leandro

For four years, the guerrillas suffered setbacks fighting the French- and Belgian-backed Rwandan Armed Forces and, earlier in the conflict, special forces from the Zairian Armed Forces. Through losses and wins on the battlefield, the RPF forced the Habyarimana regime into power-sharing negotiations, known as the Arusha Accords, that were to lay the foundation for a democratic Rwanda.

Having emerged from the shadows of the late Mobutu Sese Seko of then-Zaire and Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, the two would-be regional hegemons of the Cold War era, Museveni sees himself as the main interlocutor of Western powers and the regional kingmaker. His former protgs in Rwanda, however, contest his claim and seek that role for themselves.


I am writing from Nairobi Kenya. This ministry is truly amazing especially the powerful prayer points that our LORD JESUS CHRIST has taught you.

It is my humble request that you grant me permission to translate some of this prayer points into our local dialects for the benefit of those who do not understand English language.

I do ask for your permission because you have copy righted the prayer points.



Williams et al25 reported the initial experience of one surgeon with MicroPulse TLT in 79 eyes of 79 patients with advanced or refractory glaucoma. These patients had multiple ocular co-morbidities and poor baseline visual acuities. A discrete spot application technique was used, where the probe was held in place for 10 seconds before the adjacent section of perilimbal conjunctiva was treated. Settings used were 2000 mW of power, a duty cycle of 31.3% and a mean treatment time of 300  42 seconds with a minimum of 120 seconds and maximum of 360 seconds. It is difficult to compare this modified stop and go technique with the traditional sweeping motion that most other surgeons perform at present. However, the amount of energy delivered to each treatment spot with discrete application spots is tremendously high compared to the amount of energy delivered to the same spot during a sweeping motion.

Evidence: There are three main treatment parameters that can be augmented to increase the amount of energy delivery to the eye. Total treatment time, power and sweep velocity all factor into the success of the procedure. As demonstrated by Sarrafpour et al,13 increasing power is associated with better IOP reduction. Sanchez et al21 showed that increasing treatment time is associated with a higher success rate over time. Marchand et al24 showed that increasing total treatment time increases the percentage of IOP reduction. Until Grippo et al22 analyzed fluence, there were no published papers analyzing sweep velocity as a factor that contributes to the success of MicroPulse TLT. In an attempt to analyze both total energy and fluence, Grippo et al performed a meta-analysis to determine a comparison between fluence, total energy and the outcomes of MicroPulse TLT in the same cohorts of patients. Fluence is the energy delivered per unit area (F = Energy used  duty cycle  dwell time/area). A direct comparison between all three parameters (power, sweep velocity and total treatment time) has not been performed to date. However, the authors found that fluence was better correlated to IOP reduction than total energy.

I agree ,u do have a pretty thick skin and a heart hard as a rock typical of all born against .that freakin freeloading cheapskate Lucifer always hated our mother Mary so he will do anything in his power to get u away from the truth .pray for Rome rather than calling us the devil because the devil like to carry out his filty works in the real place of god not in man made ministries .u said u will stand by the truth of gods word then how can u sideline Mary ? That classsic example how u oblivious to ur own lies .u still have time, repent and come back to the catholic chruch which JESUS AWESOME CHRIST has established over 2 thousand years ago.peace.:))

Romans 8 (NIV)

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It is very clear, the bible alone concept will lead to many interpretations. Therefore church authority and tradition is important so that the holy bible is interpreted correctly. Devotions to our lady stirs a lot of reactions from other christian denominations because they do not understand. I suggest going to the catholic answer website will be very helpful. I am 47 years old. I remember when i was 13 years old we use to pray for Russia who was very powerful communist nation at that time. This was one of our ladys request. Rusia is not powerful as before. The Soviet Union got divided and that was made possible through the intercession of our lady. Thank God for our lady. God bless!

Ms McMueller: Probably best to stop where you are on a Catholic Forum. What you are attempting would be akin to me going to an atheist forum to convert or change a belief there. I have also been following your words. Either you are intentionally misleading others or you know better. From what I have read of your responses including stating that you were 30 years raised in the Catholic Church, you know better. It is a fact that something PURE cannot come from something impure as you suggest Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Lord and Saviour to be just another impure person. There is no sin in honoring the Mother of the LORD. I refer you to the fifth commandment if you think it to be a sin. Jesus is our LORD and GOD, the Father and indwelling Spirit of All. If you do not accept this, it is upon you. TO not recognize the Mother of the LORD as Holy and Pure is to say that the LORD was born in an impure vessel and shared in the womb impure blood coursing through His Body provided through his impure Mother. This a false truth from another doctrine that surely does not recognize Mary to be PURE or anything more than just a child bearing surrogate. In addition, since Jesus is part of the Trinity and not able to be separated from HIS DIVINITY, and hence his Purity stays intact from birth, he cannot be born of anything impure. You are not honoring the commandments To honor thy Father and Mother. Jesus himself as others have stated here did give us HIS MOTHER while on the Cross. She is called the VIRGIN MARY in honor of her purity as matter of truth as stated in LUKE chapter 2. You did state that the infallible TRUTH is critical for you. I fail to see why you would not accept the Truth expressed by Jesus Himself while on the cross nor the WORD as written in LUKE 2. Perhaps looking up the information on the miracle of the sun. or O MILAGRE DE SOL will provide you a connection to the rosary and prayers within which are prayers prayed while contemplating the life of Jesus. So much more could be stated to you but it is not for me to convince you of anything. I am only accountable to speak the Truth as the WORD reveals and the Spirit confirms. You have a choice and have made a choice. Apparently so have many catholic Christians here. I am not condemning you. You do that to yourself as I neither know you nor do I have such a power, Only the LORD, Himself can judge your heart. Therein is a 2 way street. You have no capacity to make such judgments on others. All of this said without anger or angst to you but in peace and love of a fellow human searching for truth. 17dc91bb1f

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