
I got an anonymous call from a member of the public after the Bloor St bike lanes were made permanent by City Council. The person asked for the GM, who was down at the Council floor so I asked to take a message. He then proceeded to tell me that my boss was a "dirty liar" and that she could f*** off, because the bike lanes on Bloor would affect small businesses and the public consultation she claimed to make was false because his business hadn't heard of any consultation. He then continued on with insults to my boss and hung up. I learned a lot about the importance of self care after this call as listening to someone saying non-stop insults at me and my boss and coworkers without even giving me a chance to professionally respond was quite frustrating in the already fast pace and high stress environment of our office. For the most part, I was just annoyed because I had a big deadline to meet for the Mayor's office and the time lost to that call caused me even more stress. I ended up just taking a long walk and buying an ice cream cone, and it felt a lot better to get back to work with the negative experience behind me.