DeepView Workshop

::: Submission :::

Paper Submission Instructions and Guidelines

We invite submissions of up to eight pages, including references. The maximum size of the abstract is about 1000 characters. Any submission must be in PDF format (maximum 10MB); submissions in other formats will be rejected.

A paper submission implies that, if the paper is accepted, one of the authors will present the paper at the conference (NO poster option! Please note that DeepView 2022 is held virtually!). Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary visas and may need to start that process before final decisions are released. Sending a video of the presentation in place of an author is NOT considered presenting. Papers that are not presented will be pulled from the IEEE proceedings and are not considered published.

There are two sets of paper submission templates available:

Detailed style and formatting instructions can be found in either template. The blue line numbers must not be removed in the version for review, as it greatly facilitates the review process. However, the line numbers must be removed in the final version. Submissions not using the above templates or disclosing the identity of the authors will be rejected without review.

A complete paper must be submitted using one of the above templates, formatted for double-blind review, at [CMT Site for DeepView 2022].

For more details, please visit IEEE AVSS 2022 official website: