DeepView Workshop

::: Call for Papers :::

Call for Papers

We are soliciting high-quality papers covering the topics listed below. Papers should follow the standard AVSS formatting instructions. Paper length should be 4 to 8 pages according to the AVSS format.

  • Submission Deadline: September 23, 2022 -> September 30, 2022 -> October 7, 2022 (No more extension of deadline)

  • Author Notification: October 14, 2022

  • Camera Ready Due(with videos): October 21, 2022

  • Submission via CMT: [Link]

  • Workshop day: November 29, 2022

Topics of Interest

We embrace the most advanced deep learning systems based on real-time large-scale analysis, meanwhile being open to classical physically grounded models and feature engineering, as well as any well-motivated combination of the two streams. We will solicit papers from but not limited to the following topics:

  • Robust recognition and detection in the surveillance videos

  • Fast large-scale multi-camera multi-object application (detection, tracking, re-identification, and others)

  • 2D/3D pose estimation in the surveillance videos

  • One/few-shot learning in the unconstrained surveillance scenarios

  • Anomaly detection in the surveillance videos

  • Human behavior analysis and recognition in the surveillance videos

  • Generation of visual data for surveillance analysis system

  • Privacy-preserving visual learning

  • Applications and systems for security and safe