Software Release


DeconvGui is a simple app developed by Huolin Xin for the export and resolution enhancement of scanning transmission electron microscopy images through deconvolution. This app is a freeware.

Installation file (6.5 mb) that requires web connection for the download of Matlab MCR:

Standalone installation file (650 mb) that includes the Matlab MCR:

Minimal executable. You need to download and install the Windows 64-bit version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2016b from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to link:


BatteryGui is a simple app developed by Huolin Xin for the export of battery charge/discharge data generated by LandCorp. This app is a freeware and comes with NO WARRANTY.

Installation file (11 mb) that requires web connection for the download of Matlab MCR:

Minimal executable (for manual update unzip the file into your installation directory C:\Program Files\BatteryGUI). You need to download and install the Windows 64-bit version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2017a from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to link:

Note that you need to export your .cex data into an .xls file before using this App.

Format requirement

The .xls is three column with the first column being time, the second being voltage and the third column being capacity (or energy).

If you use Origin, use the script below to set every other column to "X"

int ndel = 2; // This number sets every other column as X

int ncols = wks.ncols;

int nlast = ncols - mod(ncols, ndel);

for(int ii = 1; ii <= nlast; ii += ndel)


wks.col = ii;

wks.col.type = 4;//setting X;

wks.col.lname$ = Capacity;

wks.col.unit$ = mAh/g;

wks.col = ii+1;

wks.col.type = 1;//setting Y$ = Cycle + $((ii+1)/2);

wks.col.lname$ = Voltage;

wks.col.unit$ = V;


To use script in Origin, click on Window->check Script Window

Then copy and paste the code in it. Highlight all code and press Enter.

TomoIE stands for Tomography in the East. TomoIE is a free software tool for the reconstruction of electron tomography data sets written by Huolin Xin, who currently works at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island. TomoIE is a software package intended for the simplification of the reconstruction process of scanning transmission electron microscopy tomography data sets.

Project website:

Jdit - Just do it

Jdit is a research processing oriented open-source framework based on pytorch. Only care about your ideas. You don't need to build a long boring code to run a deep learning project to verify your ideas.

ImageSegmenter for Education and Outreach

This is a small demo app for teaching the concept of Naive Bayes classifiers, histograms, and segmentation.
