Xin Electron Microscopy Group

DeepEM Lab

Transmission Electron Microscopy Deeply Reinvented


Named Chancellor's Fellow

Named Climate Action 30 by Insider

Named Highly Cited Researcher ─ 2021 and 2022 by Clarivate

Huolin Xin receives the 2021 MRS Early-Career Investigator Award and the MSA Burton Medal. 

Huolin Xin receives the 2021 Beall Innovation Award in Physical Sciences , the first ImageNet project for the TEM community is now online!

We are proud to announce DeepEM Lab is the sole contributor to 2 repositories in the GitHub's Arctic Code Vault: xinhuolin/TomoFillNet, and xinhuolin/AtomSegNet.  Learn more at:

Huolin Xin is the recipient of the 2020 UCI Academic Senate Distinguished Early-Career Faculty Award for Research 

Huolin Xin was granted tenure on July 1, 2020.

Huolin Xin receives Early Career Award from DOE Office of Science (link

Our seed project Developing Natural Language Processing Tools for Mining the Rapidly Evolving COVID-19 Literature was funded.  Congrats to the DeepEM team! Let's use our deep learning expertise to join the fight against the pandemic.

Our electron tomography work done in collaboration with BNL Gang Group was selected Top-10 Science and Technology Achievements of 2019 by Brookhaven National Lab (link to the tomography image)

Huolin Xin is awarded $2.5 million grant to research next-generation lithium-ion batteries (link)

4/17/2017 Anomalous metal segregation in lithium-rich material provides design rule for stable cathode in lithium-ion battery  link

3/28/2017 DeconvGUI app underwent major overhaul and version 1.1 has been released

11/20/2016 Preview of a brand new Tomography in the East -- TomoIE software package is now in preview online.

10/19/2016 In-situ TEM work in press in Nature Communications

05/4/2016 Electrocatalyst work published in Nature Communications

02/25/2016 Collaborative work published in Scienceand Nature Materials

01/11/2016 Collaborative work published in Nature Energy (see press release) and Nano Energy

8/24/2015 Collaborative works published in Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, and Nano Letters.

6/9/2014 Media coverage by the Sciencedaily, R&D Mag, and LBL news

6/1/2014 Media coverage by the R&D Mag, Gizmodo,, and BNL news

4/18/2014 Group member received the Distinguished Scholar Award.

Featured Publications

Professor Huolin Xin's research group at UCI has published 42 articles in Science/Nature and Nature Sister Journals. (Corresponding author on 17) 

Compositionally complex doping for zero-strain zero-cobalt layered cathodes, R. Zhang, C. Wang, P. Zou, R. Lin, L. Ma, L. Yin, T. Li, W. Xu, H. Jia, Q. Li, S. Sainio, K. Kisslinger, S. E. Trask, S. N. Ehrlich, Y. Yang, A. M. Kiss, M. Ge, B. J. Polzin, S. J. Lee, W. Xu, Y. Ren and H. L. Xin, Nature, (2022)

Characterization of the structure and chemistry of the solid–electrolyte interface by cryo-EM leads to high-performance solid-state Li-metal batteries, R. Lin, Y. He, C. Wang, P. Zou, E. Hu, X.-Q. Yang, K. Xu & H. L. Xin, Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 768–776 (2022)

A single-atom library for guided monometallic and concentration-complex multimetallic designs, L. Han, H. Cheng, W. Liu, H. Li, P. Ou, R. Lin, H.-T. Wang, C.-W. Pao, A. R. Head, C.-H. Wang, X. Tong, C.-J. Sun, W.-F. Pong, J. Luo, J.-C. Zheng & H. L. Xin, Nature Materials, (2022) 

Hydrophobic molecule monolayer brush-tethered zinc anodes for aqueous zinc batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, (2021), link 

Chemomechanically stable ultrahigh-Ni single-crystalline cathodes, Nano Letters, link

Ultrahigh-rate and long-life zinc-metal anodes enabled by self-accelerated cation migration, Advanced Energy Materials, 2100982 (2021) link

Super-compression of large electron microscopy time series by deep compressive sensing learning, Patterns, 2,100292 (2021) link 

Algorithms underlying the TEMImageNet and AtomSegNet are published link

0.7 Å resolution electron tomography enabled by deep learning aided information recovery, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 

Metal segregation in hierarchically structured cathode materials for high-energy lithium batteries, Feng Lin, Dennis Nordlund, Yuyi Li, Matthew K. Quan, Lei Cheng, Tsu-Chien Weng, Yijin Liu*, Huolin L. Xin* & Marca M. Doeff*, Nature Energy, 1, 15004 (2016) doi:10.1038/nenergy.2015.4