

please see my google scholar profile for updates 2021+

Fan, Meng, Liu, Saberi, Kurths, Nagler, Universal gap scaling in percolation, Nature Phys. 16: 455 (2020). 

D'Souza, R., Gómez-Gardeñes, J., Nagler, J., Arenas, A. Explosive phenomena in complex networks, Adv. in Phys. 68(3):123-223 (2019). 

Timme, M., Nagler, J. Propagation patterns unravelled, Nature Phys., Vol. 15, pp. 308-309 (2019).

Short summary: This is an invited News & Views article on “Spatiotemporal signal propagation in complex networks” by Hens et al., ibid., p.403.

 Zotos, E., Nagler, J. On the classification of orbits in the three-dimensional Copenhagen problem with oblate primaries, Intern. J. Non-Linear Mechanics Vol. 108, pp. 55-71 (2019).

 EE Zotos, FL Dubeibe, J. Nagler, E Tejeda, Orbit classification in a pseudo-Newtonian Copenhagen problem with Schwarzschild-like primaries, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487(2): 2340-2353 (2019).

Nagler, J., Stollmeier, F. Long-Term Behavior in Evolutionary Dynamics from Ergodicity Breaking, in: Complex Networks X: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Complex Networks CompleNet 2019, Cham: Springer, pp. 85-95 (2019).

Zimmer, P., Kruse, K., Nagler, J. Anomalous percolation features in molecular evolution, Phys. Rev. E Vol. 98(2) (2018)

Schröder, M., Nagler, J., Timme, M., Witthaut, D. Hysteretic percolation from locally optimal individual decisions, Phys. Rev. Lett.120(24) (2018)

 F. Stollmeier, J. Nagler, Unfair and anomalous evolutionary dynamics from fluctuating payoffs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120: 058101 (2018).

 M. Schröder, N.A.M. Araújo, D. Sornette, J. Nagler, Controlling percolation with limited resources, Phys. Rev. E 96: 062302 (2017).

 L. Böttcher, J. Nagler, H.J. Herrmann, Critical behaviors in contagion dynamics,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 118: 088301 (2017).

 L. Böttcher, M. Lukovic, J. Nagler, S. Havlin, H.J. Herrmann, Failure and recovery in dynamical networks, Sci. Rep. 7: 41729 (2017).

 Y.S. Cho, M.G. Mazza, B. Kahng, J. Nagler, Genuine non-self-averaging and ultra-slow convergence in gelation, Phys. Rev. E 94:022602 (2016).

 M.A. Böttcher, J. Nagler, Promotion of cooperation by selective group extinction,  New J. Phys. 18: 063008 (2016).

 M. Schröder, S. Chakraborty, D. Witthaut, J. Nagler,  M. Timme, Interaction Control to Synchronize Non-synchronizable Networks, Sci. Rep. 6: 37142 (2016).

 T. Verma, N.A.M. Araujo, J. Nagler, J.S. Andrade Jr. and H.J. Herrmann, Model for the growth of the World Airline Network, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 27(12): 1650141 (2016).

 M. Schröder, W. Chen, J. Nagler, Discrete scale invariance in supercritical percolation, New J. Phys. 18: 013042 (2016).

 L. Böttcher, N. A. M. Araújo, J. Nagler, J. F. F. Mendes, D. Helbing, H. J. Herrmann, Gender Gap in the ERASMUS Mobility Program, PLoS One 11(2):e0149514 (2016).

 T. Verma, F. Russmann, N.A.M Araujo, J. Nagler, H. J. Herrmann, Emergence of core-peripheries in networks, Nature Comm. 7: 10441 (2016).

 A. A. Saberi, S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, H. Dashti-Naserabadi, A. Abbasi, Y. S. Cho, J. Nagler, Universality in boundary domain growth by sudden bridging, Sci. Rep. 6: 21110 (2016).

 R. D’Souza and J. Nagler, Anomalous critical and supercritical phenomena in explosive percolation, Nature Physics, 11: 531 (2015); cover Nature Physics (July 2015). Short summary: An invited Nature Physics Review on recently discovered anomalous behaviors in disordered systems, in particular in competitive percolation.

 F. Stollmeier, T. Geisel, J. Nagler, Possible Origin of Stagnation and Variability of Earth's Biodiversity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112: 228101 (2014); accompanied by a Max-Planck-Society press release and media coverage (including Editor’s). Short summary: A simple species interdependence network model explains how marine biodiversity could have grown and then leveled off, and why there is a difference to the growth of Earth’s continental biodiversity.

D. Lamouroux, J. Nagler, T. Geisel, S. Eule, Paradoxical effects of coupling infectious livestock populations and imposing transport restrictions, Proc. R. Soc. B (London): 2015282, 20142805 (2014), accompanied with an MPI DS press release.

W. Chen, M. Schröder, R. M. D'Souza, D. Sornette, J. Nagler, Micro-transition Cascades to Percolation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112: 155701 (2014)

K. Zhu, W. Li, X. Fu, J. Nagler, How do online social networks grow? PLoS One, 9(6):e100023 (2014).

 W. Chen, X. Cheng, Z. Zheng, N.N. Chung, R.M. D'Souza, J. Nagler, Unstable supercritical discontinuous percolation transitions, Phys. Rev. E 88: 042152 (2013).

 M. Schröder, H.E. Rabari, and J. Nagler, Crackling noise in fractional percolation, Nature Commun. 3: 2222 (2013); accompanied by media coverage. Short summary: When drops or dust particles coalesce, they often follow the same statistical laws as the noise made by crumpling paper, or the crackling noise in ferromagnets.

 W. Chen, J. Nagler, X. Cheng, X. Jin, H. Shen, Z. Zheng, and R. M. D'Souza, Phase transitions in supercritical explosive percolation, Phys. Rev. E 87: 052130 (2013).

 D. Lamouroux, S. Eule, T. Geisel, J. Nagler, Discriminating the effects of spatial extent and population size in cyclic competition among species, Phys. Rev. E 86: 021911 (2012).

 J. Nagler, T. Tiessen, H.W. Gutch, Continuous percolation with discontinuities, Phys. Rev. X 2: 031009 (2012); accompanied by media coverage. Short summary: Competition in percolation does not necessarily lead to globally continuous percolation processes (in contrast to the take-home in Science 333: 322, 2012).

 S. Uppaluri, J. Nagler, E. Stellamanns, N. Heddergott, S. Herminghaus, and T. Pfohl, Impact of Microscopic Motility on the Swimming Behavior of Parasites: Straighter Trypanosomes are More Directional, PLoS Comput. Biol. 7(6): e1002058 (2011); accompanied by media coverage.

 J. Nagler, A. Levina, M. Timme, Impact of single links in competitive percolation, Nature Physics 7: 265-270 (2011); accompanied by media coverage. Short summary: Adding competitively single links in complex networks can have dramatic effects on the network’s critical behaviors.

 H. Hennig, R. Fleischmann, A. Fredebohm, Y. Hagmayer, J. Nagler, A. Witt, F. Theis, T. Geisel, The nature and perception of fluctuations in human musical rhythms, PLoS One 6: e26457 (2011); featured in Nature 479: 153 (2011); featured in Nature Physics 7: 930 (2011); featured in Science 334: 1183 (2011); Short summary: Human musical rhythms performed by laypersons or professionals follow scaling-laws that help to humanize computer-generated music.

J. Nagler, P.H. Richter, Simple model for dice loading, New J. Phys. 12: 033016 (2010).

J. Nagler, P.H. Richter, How random is dice tossing? Phys. Rev. E 78: 036207 (2008); featured in Nature 455: 434 (2008).

 J. Nagler, M. Linke, M. Krieger, J. Schönke, and J. Wiersig, Leaking Billiards, Phys. Rev. E 75: 046204 (2007). 

 J. Nagler, J.C. Claussen, 1/f^alpha spectra in elementary cellular automata and fractal signals, Phys. Rev. E 71: 067103 (2005).

 J. Nagler, Directed and undirected multiurn models in a one-dimensional ring, Phys. Rev. E 72: 056129 (2005).

 J. Nagler, Crash test for the restricted three-body problem, Phys. Rev. E 71: 026227 (2005).

 C. Hauert, J. Nagler, H.G. Schuster, Of dogs and fleas: How N uncoupled two state systems behave, J. Stat. Phys. 116: 1453-1469 (2004).

 J. Nagler, Crash test for the Copenhagen problem, Phys. Rev. E 69: 066218 (2004).

 J.C. Claussen, J. Nagler, and H.G. Schuster, Sierpinski signal generates 1/f^alpha spectra, Phys. Rev. E 70: 032101 (2004).

 J. Nagler, C. Hauert, and H.G. Schuster, Self-organized criticality in a nutshell, Phys. Rev. E 60: 2706 (1999).