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Debtanu Datta

Ph.D. Student 

Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur               

Kharagpur - 721302, West Bengal, India.

Emails: debtanudatta04 [at] gmail [dot] com

debtanumathcs [at] kgpian [dot] iitkgp [dot] ac [dot] in

[My CV]

Ph.D. Supervisors:

Brief Bio

Hi, I am currently a Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur.

I work on the application and development of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models in Natural Language Processing (NLP) under the supervision of Prof. Adrijit Goswami and Prof. Saptarshi Ghosh. My primary research interests are NLP in Indian Languages for Legal and Social Media domains.

Currently, I am working on cross-lingual summarization and translation in the Legal domain, and Disaster Informatics in the social media domain.

Find me at: Google Scholar | LinkedIn | GitHub | ResearchGate