I've decided to install Debian on my home server, which will be headless. I choose Debian over Ubuntu primarily due to stability and lack of snaps, and over Fedora/RH/OpenSuse etc because its just so much more prevalent thus easier to find programs and get help.

I setup a headless Bullseye server - minimal configuration for doing some self-hosting. Problem is, it seems to be going to sleep after it's idle for a while and I have to power cycle it. Pretty useless for self-hosting. Why would this be the default configuration and where should I go to reconfigure it?

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You need some sort of mail client to be configured. I use alpine as it has basic text-GUIand I used it somewhere previously and I am customed to it. Very easy to use, configurable, etc. btw. One way to manage is fetchmail:ing to some other location, if system has mail server installed. Plain .forward file with your mail address in it /home/dir is an option too! Don't create a loop, though!

Please note that this server is meant only for basic key retreive/update operation, and does not implement search functionality. To search for a specific Debian Developer, use the Developer LDAP Search interface.

To update a key that is already present in the keyring (say, for updating the expiry date, adding identities/subkeys, or uploading more signatures), just send it via HKP (ie with --send-keys under gpg). Note that we will not automatically import any information from the public keyserver network. Updates need to be sent to keyring.debian.org directly as described above.

This server also provides the full keyring via anonymous rsync in the 'keyrings' module, e.g.: rsync -az --progress keyring.debian.org::keyrings/keyrings/ . Note that updates through this server will not be immediately reflected in the keys returned by those mechanisms. Details of the public interfaces to the keyring and the ways in which they are updated can be found in the keyring workflow documentation.

keyring.debian.org only deals with keys for Debian project Member. Please do not send add requests for your key if you are not an existing DD or DM; the Debian Account Managers will submit the key add request for new members when they successfully complete the New Member process.

To report a problem with information provided in this specific web page e-mail keyring-maint@debian.org. Source code for this page is in a git repository. For other contact information, see the Debian contact page.

if the client is on the same subnet, with no firewall and the discovery is working properly (via udp broadcast every minutes), it should show up when you click all clients, even if the server ident is bad

When you first create a new Debian 10 server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup. This will increase the security and usability of your server and will give you a solid foundation for subsequent actions.

Accept the warning about host authenticity if it appears. If you are using password authentication, provide your root password to log in. If you are using an SSH key that is passphrase protected, you may be prompted to enter the passphrase the first time you use the key each session. If this is your first time logging into the server with a password, you may also be prompted to change the root password.

Debian servers can use firewalls to make sure only certain connections to specific services are allowed. In this guide, we will install and use the UFW firewall to help set firewall policies and manage exceptions.

Note: If your servers are running on DigitalOcean, you can optionally use DigitalOcean Cloud Firewalls instead of the UFW firewall. We recommend using only one firewall at a time to avoid conflicting rules that may be difficult to debug.

Firewall profiles allow UFW to manage named sets of firewall rules for installed applications. Profiles for some common software are bundled with UFW by default and packages can register additional profiles with UFW during the installation process. OpenSSH, the service allowing us to connect to our server now, has a firewall profile that we can use.

my solution would be:using some systemd magic to start the dhcp server after cable on eth0 is connected.systemd makes it easy to say when to start the services, but I cannot find a .service file for isc-dhcp-server, and cannot figure out how it gets started.

But the package maintainer may have been relying on the SysVinit compatibility mechanism: if there is no .service file at all for it, but /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server script exists, systemd will auto-generate a service definition for it, setting the service dependencies based on the LSB structured comment lines in the beginning of the script.

You can always use systemctl cat isc-dhcp-server to view the current service definition, and systemctl edit isc-dhcp-server to create a persistent override file to make changes or additions to the service definition - even if the main definition is generated dynamically from a SysVinit script.

I am responsible for managing both our production server (mail, web, database are all on one server) and our test server. Both are built on Debian. However as I am very new to system administration, I have only been installing updates as I come across things that have to be updated so that I can have newer features and get bug fixes. Its a pretty ad hoc process right now, and I'd like to make it less so.

So I am wondering how people who know what they're doing handle this? How often do you perform upgrades on your servers? Is the upgrade process different between test and production? Do you always upgrade any test servers first? And do you do a full update of all software, or do you just install selected updates?

I always upgrade less critical systems first. I also have a "rollback plan" in place in case I can't fix the system. (since most of our servers are virtual, this rollback plan usually consists of taking a snapshot before the upgrade that I can revert to if necessary)

Assuming you are running the stable release of Debian, most patches will be security or bug related which should mean that there won't be too many major changes between versions of any given package. According to the debian patch policy patches should also have been in testing for some time before being moved to the stable branch by the maintainer. Obviously This won't stop breakages when patching but should prevent them in most cases.

It would be prudent to ensure that your testing sever is kept upto date and any packages that have bugs affecting you and your servers should be kept up to date. All packages that have security advisories against them should be updated as soon as you know the patch is stable.

Manual updates are best as mentioned here in the sense that you can see what's happening. However, for very large numbers of servers that might become impractical. Dry run is a standard practice, in fact, most package managers will ask you before proceeding.

Generally speaking, updates are usually relatively painless for server distros. This is because they nearly always only stick to bug fixes and security updates. You may however have problems if people have done odd things to the system or you add additional package sources.

Where I work we have a pretty extensive process that involves using software called PatchLink to notify us of the most important security related updates, and we apply them after testing, on a package by package basis. We have thousands of servers though.

On debian i install cron-apt and edit its configuration file to mail me if ther are any changes. this way i get notified if there are updates for my systems and do the updates by hand

Note: depending on your level of caution/paranoia you can do a rolling upgrade on a group of test servers first, then if there are not issues, allow your production boxes to update, although I personally have not come across any trouble with security updates wrecking havoc so far (knock on wood)...

I personally turn off automatic updates and do not regularly perform any sort of updating of packages on servers in my environments, unless: (a) there is an important CERT advisory for one of packages on my system; (b) I need to upgrade individual packages for specific reasons; (c) OS or packages are reaching end-of-cycle, they won't be supported any more and we need to continue having support. My reasoning is that upgrading without knowing what's being changed or why leaves too much room for something breaking. I've been doing things like this for going on 14 years and it works well.

Hi @Unam, since gist is not the best source to track changes and collaborate I moved the updated version for the latest joplin-server to GitHub - hi-ko/joplin-server-ubuntu-install: install joplin-server on Ubuntu 20

I wish to run Joplin server on a Raspberry PI4 to sync many phone/tablet/pc app, and I tried this tutorial and many other based on npm to run it without docker, but no luck.

Is there any new version of this tutorial ?

or a package source that can be used also for update ?


I don't supose utorrent auto-update would work with this configuration, because I have no idea what method does it use to update itself. Possibly you can just put the utserver binary in /usr/bin/userver/ dir, change DAEMON=/usr/bin/$NAME to DAEMON=/usr/bin/$NAME/$NAME in init.d script, and chown torrent:torrent /usr/bin/utserver, but personally I'm avoiding any kind of auto-updating if possible.

I noticed I have no /opt/utorrent/server/bin/utserver after using your script and how would I enable and use rss ablities with your installation? What would be the proper start, stop and restart methods with your installation? ff782bc1db

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