If I am running a Windows 7 virtual machine on a Windows 7 host usingVMWare or VirtualBox (or anything else) and the virtual machine is completelyoverloaded with viruses and other malicious software, should I worry about my host machine?

What every answer has missed so far is that there are more attack vectors than just network connections and file sharing, but with all the other parts of a virtual machine - especially in regards to virtualizing hardware. A good example of this is shown below (ref. 2) where a guest OS can break out of the VMware container using the emulated virtual COM port.

What Happens If You Download A Virus On A Virtual Machine

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Another attack vector, commonly included and sometimes enabled by default, on almost all modern processors, is x86 virtualization. While you can argue that having networking enabled on a VM is the biggest security risk (and indeed, it is a risk that must be considered), this only stops viruses from being transmitted how they are transmitted on every other computer - over a network. This is what your anti-virus and firewall software is used for. That being said...

There have been outbreaks of viruses which can actually "break out" of virtual machines, which has been documented in the past (see references 1 and 2 below for details/examples). While an arguable solution is to disable x86 virtualization (and take the performance hit running the virtual machine), any modern (decent) anti-virus software should be able to protect you from these viruses within limited reason. Even DEP will provide protection to a certain extent, but nothing more then when the virus would be executed on your actual OS (and not in a VM). Again, noting the references below, there are many other ways malware can break out of a virtual machine aside from network adapters or instruction virtualization/translation (e.g. virtual COM ports, or other emulated hardware drivers).

Even more recently is the addition of I/O MMU Virtualization to most new processors, which allows DMA. It does not take a computer scientist to see the risk of allowing a virtual machine with a virus direct memory and hardware access, in addition to being able to run code directly on the CPU.

I present this answer simply because all of the other ones allude you to believe that you just need to protect yourself from files, but allowing virus code to directly run on your processor is a much bigger risk in my opinion. Some motherboards disable these features by default, but some don't. The best way to mitigate these risks is to disable virtualization unless you actually need it. If you aren't sure if you need it or not, disable it.

While it is true that some viruses can target vulnerabilities in your virtual machine software, the severity of these threats is drastically increased when you take into account processor or hardware virtualization, especially those that require additional host-side emulation.

To prevent the virus from escaping the VM's virtualized hard disk, you'll need to make sure you don't connect the VM and host file systems (no "shared drives" or "shared files" or anything). You should also make sure the VM has not mapped any network drives with write access.

"of course you have to make sure you setup the machine so that it does not have access to the real machine. for example if you copy the file from the virtual machine to the real one manually (or by some script) then you could get infected. or if you share the folders on the real machine to the virtual machine and don't have them as read only, then malware could also escape."

network worms can get through hidden shares on other pcs or use security breaches in a computer to infect it. i havn't tried it yet, but the virtual network between machine and pc looks just like a regular one so it can be possible. (in the same as another pc in your network infecting you)

Once you "convert" your old pc into a virtual machine (V2V process) all that you'll have to do in case you completly want to isolate that virtual machine, will be to remove any virtual network adapter before you turn it on (you could also just disable it, if you prefer).

In other words since you're totally new to virtualization starting with a loaded gun (creating a virtual machine of a known infected system) is a dangerous place to start. Since you have a new pristine computer I'd install the virtualization product of choice, create a new normal virtual machine using either Windows or Linux and then learn how to properly use the product. Once you have a handle on how the product works and what you can do with it then do a P2V (Physical to Virtual) of the infected system only if you have no the choice.

Unless you have an absolute need to have a virtual machine of the infected system I'd clean the system before doing the P2V and if it can't be cleaned then do not virtualize it as you're just playing with a loaded gun again. What would be more prudent and safer it to simply boot the infected system with a Live OS CD/DVD/USB Drive and make a Data Only Backup to external media. With it being a Data Only Backup and no Executables you would then scan the Data Store on the New System before migrating the User Data to the new system thus leaving the new system clean and virus free.

Now if you really need to have a virtual machine of Windows XP then if you have the right version of Windows 7 you can have one for free from Microsoft, it's called Windows XP Mode. Then you're starting with a known good clean scenario, not transferring infected executables to a known good clean working system and you can leave the garbage behind!

BTW Creating a new known good virtual machine, whether XP Mode or other, it will be a better scenario in the long run as P2V'ed virtual machines almost always have more issues to deal with and never seem to preform as nice as a clean built one, both in the begining and in the long run tend to be far less problematic too.

Can you see anything odd in the task manager? CPU utilization? The fact that you can't allocate as much memory as you used to sounds odd, but I have seen similar decrease in compilation times after an upgrade of the antivirus on one of my development machines.

When installed directly over the operating system, a virtual machine leaves tons of attack surfaces open, including network access, guest additions, shared filesystems, peripherals access, shared copy/paste buffers, and unified desktop features.

You should start by taking a snapshot of the virtual machine since this will give you a point to revert to if anything goes wrong. You can take a snapshot by navigating to Machine > Take Snapshot.

Whenever your run an unprotected copy of Windows it may quickly get infected by a virus coming from a file, a mail, a website, or an infected storage device. One of the main function all malware have is to replicate. Exactly this will happen on your virtual machine too.

So in summary an infected virtual Windows will not be able to infect your Ubuntu installation, but it will still be a risk to you or to others. It is therefore strongly recommended to protect a virtual Windows with appropriate anti-virus software before you give it access to your network, or the internet.

I don't think it will lead to any harm. As far as I remember, the only way for someone to mess with your Ubuntu machine if you installed Wine application in it, and of course you didn't configure your UFW (firewall). A successful attack from Windows users will be as follows ;Ā 

* You installed wine application in ubuntuĀ 

* you forget to configure UFW (the firewall)

* you unintentionally clicked on a malware link from your win xp virtual box

* you opened ports and didn't secure them

.In your case, you are going to install WINDOWS XP in Virtual box, and VBox will create a disk image which will be impossible for users to get outside the disk image and mess with your Ubuntu, however, if you have wine in your ubuntu, and wrongly clicked a malware link from your Win XP virtual box, that will lead the attacker to your ubuntu and execute commands and harm your computer.

Ā source : check ubuntu security

Windows viruses are not compatible with Linux, imagine your virtual machine to be a sandbox. Trust me, you wont have any problem with viruses on your Linux, although you can always install an antivirus on Windows! I promise you will never get a virus from your virtual machine although you dont install it.

i want to play around with a pcap file that probably contains malicious objects that can be saved to the pc. i dont want to save it in my OS for obvious reasons but would like to know if i save it in a virtual machine, use it for few hours and delete the VM files will it somehow manage to get into my host OS from the VM?

No, you should not be using AV software on the host to scan your VHD location. You can install AV software on the host but you need to exclude several Hyper-V related folders from the real time AV scanning engine and from any scheduled AV scans. You should then install AV software on the individual guest virtual machines.

Do I need to install a good antivirus into a Windows VM just like any other Windows machine? My teen son will be using it for gaming and such. He uses a chat app called Discord for gaming talk and I've read it's pretty easy to get viruses through that. We will be downloading things here and there.

Think of a VM as the same as any other machine connected to your internet. If you access Unraid's GUI or storage from inside the VM, chances are a virus can access it as well. If you never have Unraid credentials used inside the VM, and Unraid has good passwords for all access methods, you are fairly safe. If any Unraid shares are set as public, then any machine on the network can get to those shares and wreak havoc, regardless of being a VM or physical box. If any shares are set to secure, then they can be read but not modified. Only private shares require passwords to read. ff782bc1db

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