The Scared One

There were numerous people that tried to outrun me but they usually ended up going to the exact location I needed them to be at. It’s funny how things work out that way.

Achiyah was one I remember fondly. He was a young boy that was just starting his own business. He had big aspirations to one day be a leader of his hometown. I was worried at first that he would not be where I needed him but I went on a stroll near where his house was to see if he was at least giving the aura I needed to take him, thinking that maybe there was a mistake and it was not his time. When I was walking past his house he noticed me.

I was terrified because we usually do not stand out to people. The only time people see us is when it is close to their time. It should have not taken me by surprise. We look like everyone else on a crowded street until it is close to the end of your life. When you do see us, we usually remind you of someone dear that has passed away. I believe it is to make it easier for you to surrender your body and pass over.

Anyways, I scared Achiyah so much that he ended up in Luz, which is where I needed him. I saw all the horses he rode to try and escape my grasp. Luz was over a hundred miles away from where I saw him, so you can see where I was worried. The next day when it came time he had the most fearful look in his eyes. It still haunts me to this day. I almost wanted to give him a chance but Mother Nature would never have allowed it because of all the chaos that would occur. Even though he looked so fearful of me he understood what was needed to happen. He shed numerous tears begging me to give him a few more years, to start a family, or make something of his life, but we both knew it was all for naught.

He eventually caved and left his body and we were on our way to where I needed to take him. Another difficult thing about this job is after the dead give up their body they are usually very chatty and want to know where they are going and if there is a god and all. Many people do not like what they hear. Achiyah was different. I almost wanted him to be annoying like the rest but all he did was sit with me silently as we made it to his destination. Later, I would have a few more like that in my time. Those types of people were always hard because you want to comfort them but you do not know how.

We are almost out of time so let me tell you why you are replacing me. I still would have made the same decisions I made then so it is difficult for me to tell you not to follow in my footsteps.

Author's note: I got my inspiration from Sherlock (the TV series) and with some help was able to find the original Appointment in Samarra. In the original story, there are two important Cushites or Kushites (people from the Kingdom of Kush ) that tried to escape death. The men knew Death was going to take them because Death spoke with Solomon and said he was going to take two Cushites that lived there. The men went to Luz since it was rumored that no one died there. What Death did not mention was that they were not where he was meant to take them. Luz ends up being where Death was going to take them. In the Sherlock version, there was just one man who was walking in the market and saw Death there, who was surprised to see him. The man tried to run and went to another city but that is where he needed to be for Death to take him. He accepted his fate but asked why Death was surprised to see him earlier in the market, and Death told him that he was supposed to see him in the evening where they where now. Death did not expect him to travel that far to escape him. More on the Sherlock version here. I tried to add more character to Death as well as tie the whole story book together with this story.

Appointment in Samarra is a folktale from the Talmud, a Jewish Book of Religious Wisdom.

Personal Photo in the Unitas.