
Everything dies, even Death itself. While it may not seem like that is true, Nature keeps perfect time so the "passing of the torch" is done flawlessly. There have been many before me and there will be many after you. The job I have done, and the one you will be doing, is the most challenging, and there is no appreciation for it. Some days you will feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Others you will feel the whole universe. After a while you do get numb to the pain, but there are still days when you wish to just "forget" a few people on your list because you do not want to be the one that ended something so beautiful. Let me be a warning not to do that though. Our superiors do not like telling us why we are replacing each other, but I am known to break the rules. There was this one man that just struck me, he was so gallant and kind, he went by the name of Sinbad. I was supposed to claim him on his second voyage but I just couldn’t. I let him continue on his voyages but kept a close eye on him. Mother Nature realized what I was doing but, it was too late. He was at a ripe old age so I did not mind taking him. With my insubordination, though, she sought to have me replaced which brings us to now.

It also does not help that the first thing you must do in our line of work is to take your predecessor. Just remember that I understand that my time has come so I hope to make this as easy as possible. I have lived a full life and am ready to see what lies after. You get curious after seeing so many people go. I don’t want you to feel the least bit disheartened when I go.

I still remember when I first started, still shaken from replacing my predecessor. My first day on the job I had to take these two men. Poor things were just starting out in life and almost got away from me. Right up until they were supposed to die they were in the wrong place. I was terrified that I was going to lose my job on the first day. It is amusing to look back now and see how terrified I was.

Hopefully you get one day where you are glad to take someone. One of those days for me was when I took this makeshift monk. He was a cruel and evil person, always preying on the innocent. One day he tried to sacrifice a honorable king so that he himself could be king of the Fairies. Luckily, there was a goblin there to help with making sure that this evil man died.

The Great Unknown