Deaf Alcoholic Vodcast Team - AA Service Committee

Our primary purpose is to carry the message to Deaf alcoholics. 

American Sign Language Videos for Deaf Alcoholics are Now Available on the Grapevine & La Viña YouTube Channel!

July 1, 2024 Deaf Alcoholic Vodcast ANNOUNCEMENT 

Who we are

The Deaf Alcoholic Vodcast Team is a stand alone (autonomous) AA service committee. All six of our members have long term sobriety and are trusted servants. 

Who do we serve

We serve AA Access Committees, AA Deaf Access Committees and Deaf alcoholics in the USA/Canada. Our team works with Access Committees and Deaf alcoholics to make the vodcast and provide them to Grapevine & La Viña YouTube Channel.

What’s different about us? By Deaf alcoholics for Deaf alcoholics. 

Historically access committees have hired interpreters and translated the Deaf persons’ story from American Sign Language into an English audio recording or written English and submitted it to Grapevine magazine or the Box 459 newsletter . This method made Deaf alcoholics stories accessible to hearing members, but not other Deaf alcoholics. 

Our method is to hire a Certified Deaf Interpreter/Deaf Interpreter to copy sign the story from ASL to ASL. We include a Deafblind plain english visual descriptive transcript. 

With Grapevine’s guidance, we have written out guidelines to help AA Access Committees work with the Deaf alcoholics and the Deaf Alcoholic Vodcast team to make videos to submit to Grapevine.

How do we pay the cost to make the vodcast?

The funding for the ASL Vodcast is the responsibility of our Deaf Alcoholic Vodcast Team. We request voluntary 7th tradition contributions from the fellowship. We do NOT accept any funds from any nonAA resources. AA Access Committees, Districts and groups can provide Deaf Alcoholic Vodcast scholarships.