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Just tested with an alive fen creeper next to a dead one. Pressed Esc to clear target, then used macro below. The game consistently targeted the alive one, even if I was closer to or facing the dead one. Added in a skull icon, too. Works great.

While testing during a mission build where I wished to use AGM 88C against a ship target, I found that when using UNIT EMISSIONS OFF in the ME, when attacking targets in the F18 using AGM88C in PB mode the missiles would attack a target that had had it's emissions turned off . Testing further I discovered that even if you forced the target to be destroyed by an AGM88C hit and re-attacked using PB mode the AGM88C would attempt to attack the dead target, even if another unit of the same type was available.

Testing further, I set two ships up in the ME that when hit would explode and effectively be killed, I then attacked the two ships in TOO MODE and destroyed the ships, then I carried out an attack using PB mode and the missiles attacked the location of one of the dead ships.

For whatever reason when using UNIT EMISSIONS OFF, or DESTROYING THE TARGET when attacking two ship targets of the same type the second and subsequent missiles will attack the first target only and ignore any other valid targets.

The PB destination in the mission is in the middle of two ships 3nm apart. When both ships have been hit (dead) and then a PB HARM is launched between them, the PB missile steers toward one of the ships as if it's emitting. The PB missiles are attacking a dead non-emitting unit 1.5nm from the PB destination when the unit hasn't been emitting or alive since before the PB launches.

I agree with nearly everything you say, but for the missile to engage a target the target has to be emitting at some point. If it is not emitting the 88C will just overfly the target area. The problem I had was that you could succesfully attack two targets using PB mode, and then attack the same targets again and the missile would strike one of the dead targets. This is NOT correct, if the target is not emmitting then the HARM has nothing to lock onto

The use of flow cytometric analysis and sorting techniques for the enumeration and purification of lymphocyte-target conjugates was investigated. Murine cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) with killer effector function were identified and quantitated during a 3-hour cell-mediated cytotoxicity reaction using multiparameter analysis. Resolution of conjugates containing single and multiple lymphocytes was achieved by two-color fluorescence, and individual conjugate subpopulations were subsequently sorted for further analysis. To measure total and cytotoxic conjugate frequencies, CTL were labelled with FITC-conjugated Thy 1.2 antibody and dead target cells were stained with propidium iodide (PI). Size difference between the CTL and P815 tumor target cells, as measured by Coulter volume and axial light loss, facilitated detection of conjugates which were identified as both large and Thy 1.2-positive. Conjugates containing dead target cells possessed red fluorescence due to PI uptake. The frequency of conjugates containing cytotoxic activity increased with time during the cytotoxicity period and correlated with frequencies obtained in single-cell assays. Analysis of the distribution of single and multiple lymphocyte-bound conjugates was done by co-centrifugation of Hoechst-stained CTL and FITC-labeled P815 target cells. Analysis by two-color fluorescence effectively resolved conjugate populations containing different numbers of CTL and allowed their purification by cell sorting. The purity of the separate populations was confirmed by fluorescence microscopic inspection. The results of these studies demonstrate that flow cytometry can resolve target-bound and free CTL, measure cytolytic efficiency and specifically sort out cytometrically defined subgroups within the effector cell population.

/tar Ill

/tar Kil

/tar DemoI had a problem with the macro targeting Kil'rek's corpse so I modified it 

as:/tar Ill

/tar [nodead] Kil

/tar [nodead] Demo(the [nodead] on the demon chains is a bit superfluous as I think they 

despawn anyway) However, when I used this macro, it still targeted Kil'rek's corpse, 

requiring me to manually target Illhoof. What am I doing wrong?-----------------------------------------------------------

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The qualifier [nodead] says "do this command if my target is not dead"

- from the previous line your target is Illhoof and he's not dead so

he does nothing.Maybe try this:/tar Demo

/tar [dead] Kil

/tar [dead] IllThat should try to target Demon Chains and if it's dead try to target

Kill'rek and if he's dead try to target Illhoof.Disclaimer: This is just a suggestion and no warantee is supplied - I

am definatley not responsible for any wipe that may occur due to the

malfunctioning of this macro :Psteve.kaye

The problem with this is that if you're already targeting Illhoof, I don't 

think it will ever switch targets to Kil'rek. (assuming I'm understanding the 

[dead] correctly). I think ImmortalCG's macro (from wowwiki) is the winner here. How I've read 

that page a dozen times and not seen the macro is beyond me :)Thanks for the effort though, I understand how [dead] and [nodead] work much 

better now!

Ah, that ought to work. Out of curiousity, what is the need for the [harm]? 

Is it there a way to render any of these such that they are not harmful? You 

can't enslave Kil'rek, can you?.. and now for a harder problem. My Eagle Boss macro for ZA looks like this:/tar soar/castsequence Curse Of Agony, Seed of CorruptionThe problem is, it occasionally targets dead eagles. We can't use the same 

trick we used for the Illhoof macro, because all the eagles (dead or alive) 

have the same name (Soaring Eagle, I think).

No "target:" in an actual targeting command (redundant). I seem to remember that the options are checked first, so you probably want

to do the chains target last. Also, why bother targeting kil'rek? Just

ignore him - he blows up real good from the SoC spam. *


* PV something like badgers--something like lizards--and something

 like corkscrews.

This is because of the semi-random nature of /target. If the demon

chains weren't there you could end up targeting a random raid member

that the client thinks best matches Demon Chains. The [harm] bit

prevents that. (Try /target kjerhre in a city - it will probably

target someone and you'll probably have a job working out why that

person was selected in my experience)

> .. and now for a harder problem. My Eagle Boss macro for ZA looks like this:


> /tar soar


> /castsequence Curse Of Agony, Seed of Corruption


> The problem is, it occasionally targets dead eagles. We can't use the same

> trick we used for the Illhoof macro, because all the eagles (dead or alive)

> have the same name (Soaring Eagle, I think).

[harm] is just there as a quick way of checking that the target has

locked on. If it has, then your target will be harmable. If it hasn't,

then you will have no target and so it will pass on to the next line.

I don't think nodead is needed as a dead target can't be harmed (and

harm does mean "can I harm it", not "will it harm me", as it is true

for yellow mobs).

I want it to do this:

Set a target for me on mouseover, if I have a target I want it to set a focus for me on mouseover. And if I have a dead target I want it to set mouseover as target without setting my focus (not sure if it is possible, to drunk to think atm). and when holding shift I want it to clear my focus and then if I do not have a focus I want it to clear my target.

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Experimental Design:In vitro studies of La-specific 3B9 mAb binding to malignant and normal primary cells with and without cytotoxic drug treatment were done using immunoblotting and flow cytometry. Chromatin-binding studies and immunofluorescence detection of H2AX as a marker of DNA double-stranded breaks together with 3B9 binding assays were done to measure DNA damage responses. Incorporation of a transglutaminase 2 (TG2) substrate and TG2 inhibition were studied to measure protein cross-linking in dead cells. ff782bc1db

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