International Conference Proceedings

  1. D. D. Ebenezer, "Synergy in science," Intl. Conf. Viable Synergies in Mathematical and Natural Sciences. (Women's Christian College, Chennai, 2016). Chief Guest.
  2. D. D. Ebenezer, "Underwater acoustic bullet beams," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2015). Invited Talk.
  3. D. D. Ebenezer, K. Ravichandran, and Chandramouli Padmanabhan, "Free and forced vibrations of hollow elastic cylinders of finite length," 167th meeting of the Acoustical Soc. America (Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 2014).
  4. P. A. Nishamol and D. D. Ebenezer, "Piezoelectric ceramic stacks for underwater transducers," Intl. Symp. Underwater Technology UT15 (NIOT, Chennai, 23-25 Feb., 2015).
  5. Pushpa Abraham, N. Praveen Kumar, P. Linthish, D. Thomas, K. P. B. Moosad, and D. D. Ebenezer, “Design and development of a multi-electrode radially polarized hydrophone,” Jt. Conf. of NSA and SFA (ACOUSTICS2013, New Delhi 10-15 Nov. 2013).
  6. Tellma John, Jasmine Mathew, D. D. Ebenezer, “Acoustic pressure field in an embedded fluid cylinder using ray theory,” Jt. Conf. of NSA and SFA (ACOUSTICS2013, New Delhi, 10-15 Nov. 2013).
  7. M. Ajesh Kumar, P. R. Vineeth, P. Linthish, V. Vinothkrishnan, K. P. B. Moosad, and D. D. Ebenezer, “Design and development of flexural disk hydrophones,” Jt. Conf. of NSA and SFA (ACOUSTICS2013, New Delhi, 10-15 Nov. 2013).
  8. Jineesh George and D.D. Ebenezer, “Responses of a linear of array of hydrophones to flow-induced and sea-state noises,” Jt. Conf. of NSA and SFA (ACOUSTICS2013, New Delhi, 10-15 Nov. 2013).
  9. D. Thomas, S. M. Sivakumar, D. D. Ebenezer, and A. Shanavas, “Non-uniform temperature rise due to internal losses in electrically excited piezoelectric ceramic slabs,” Jt. Conf. of NSA and SFA (ACOUSTICS2013, New Delhi, 10-15 Nov. 2013).
  10. M. R. Subash Chandrabose and D. D. Ebenezer, “Oil filled free flooded segmented ring transducer for deep sea applications,” Jt. Conf. of NSA and SFA (ACOUSTICS2013, New Delhi, 10-15 Nov. 2013).
  11. D. D. Ebenezer, "Underwater Electro-Acoustic SONAR Transducer Arrays," IEEE Underwater Technologies Workshop (NIOT Chennai, Oct 2013). Invited talk.
  12. M. Ajesh Kumar, Rijo Mathews Abraham, R. Ramesh, K. P. B. Moosad and D. D. Ebenezer, "Design and development of flexural disc projector for low frequency sonar applications," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2013).
  13. Himalay Basumatary, Mithun Palit, J. Arout Chelvane, S. Pandian, Rijo Mathews Abraham, R Krishna Kumar, K. P. B. Moosad, and D. D. Ebenezer, "Design and fabrication of Tonpilz type acoustic transducer using the grain oriented Tb-Dy-Fe magnetostrictive material," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2013).
  14. D. D. Ebenezer, "Underwater electroacoustic transducers: Modeling and analysis," 2nd Intl. Conf. Simulation, Modeling, and Analysis COSMA (NIT Calicut, India, 2011). Invited talk.
  15. D. D. Ebenezer, "Fluid-Structure-interactions: From the beginnings till now," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2011). Invited talk.
  16. D. D. Ebenezer, D. Thomas, Pushpa Abraham, and Sreejith S. Pillai, "Design and development of a broadband hydrophone," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2011). IEEE Xplore.
  17. D. D. Ebenezer, "Sonar projectors," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2009). Invited talk.
  18. R. Ramesh, S. S. Pillai, Pushpa Abraham, and D. D. Ebenezer, "Characteristics of broadband underwater transducers integrated with tuning coils and cables," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2009). Adjudged Best paper by IEEE Ocean Engineering Society.
  19. S. S. Pillai, D. D. Ebenezer, and K. P. B. Moosad, "Method to measure the efficiency and directivity index of underwater electroacoustic projectors," SYMPOL (Kochi, India 2009).
  20. D. D. Ebenezer, “Analytical models of underwater electroacoustic transducers,” Intl. Conf. Ocean Engineering (IITM, Chennai, 2009). Invited talk.
  21. D. D. Ebenezer and P. A. Nishamol, “Exact analysis of Langevin transducers with internal losses,” ACOUSTICS08 (Paris, France, 2008). Invited talk.
  22. 6. D. D. Ebenezer, "Models and characterization of piezoelectric ceramics," Intl. Workshop on Smart Devices - Modeling of Material Systems SD-MoMS, IIT Madras (Chennai, India, 2008) Invited talk. AIP Conf. Proc. July 29, 2008 Volume 1029, pp. 264-278.
  23. D. D. Ebenezer, "Analysis of underwater acoustic transducer arrays," Intl. Conf. Ocean Electronics, Kochi, India SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2007). Invited talk.
  24. Sreejith S. Pillai, D. D. Ebenezer, and Subhash Chander, "Free-flooded, piezoelectric ceramic, broadband transducers," SYMPOL (Kochi, India, 2007).
  25. R. Ramesh and D. D. Ebenezer, "Analysis of axially polarized piezoceramic rings," Fourth Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics (Bangalore, India, 2003), p 38.
  26. D. D. Ebenezer and M. R. S. C. Bose, "Wideband tonpilz transducers," Proc. of Intl. Conf. Sonar – Sensors and Systems (Kochi, India, 2002).
  27. D. D. Ebenezer and A. Sujatha, “Errors in the characterization of piezoelectric ceramics,” Proc. of ISSS-SPIE Intl. Conf. on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (Bangalore, India, 2002).
  28. D. D. Ebenezer and M. M. Kunchi, “Finite element analysis of the frequency-dependent acoustic sensitivity of radially polarized piezoelectric cylindrical shells,” Proc. of Intl. Conf. and Exhibit. on Ultrasonics pp 132-135 (New Delhi, India, 1999).
  29. R. Ramesh and D. D. Ebenezer, “Concentric tube model of 1-3 piezoceramic-polymer composite transducers,” Proc. of Intl. Conf. and Exhibit. on Ultrason. pp 140-143 (New Delhi, India, 1999).
  30. D.D. Ebenezer, “Effect of cylindrical baffles on directivity pattern and bandwidth of underwater communication transducer arrays,” Undersea Defence Technology, Pacific '98 pp 174-178 (Sydney, Australia, 1998).
  31. D. D. Ebenezer and Pushpa Abraham, "Piezoelectric thin shell theoretical model and eigenfunction analysis of radially polarized ceramic cylinders," Acoustical Soc. America Vol. 103 No. 5 Pt. 2 pp 2852 (Seattle, USA 1998).
  32. D. D. Ebenezer and Ralph Sebastian, “A new approach to active sound absorption for tube reciprocity calibration of transducers,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3321, pp 624-634 (Bangalore, India, 1996).
  33. D. D. Ebenezer, “Acceleration sensitivity of radially polarized piezoceramic cylinders,” 3rd Intl. Congress on Air-and Structure-Borne Sound and Vibration Vol. 2, pp 883-890 (Montreal, Canada, 1994).