3MT Guidelines

All DD2024 participants are required to present their research in a three minute thesis (3MT) style. A separate form will be shared closer to the conference dates for 3MT abstract and presentation submission.

Three-Minute Thesis Presentation Guidelines

Each presentation segment consists of a three-minute presentation, followed by a 60 second Q&A session and 60 second transition time from one presenter to the next. In consideration of other presenters, please respect the allotted time given to you. Kindly practice and time your presentation before the workshop so that your fellow PhD students don’t have to cut you off.

The presentation format is short, so we highly encourage everyone to utilise coffee and lunch breaks to network and discuss your research with fellow participants.


Question and Answers

Transition to the next presenter


You can refer to the following links on more ideas about do’s and don’t for the 3-MT: