IT Italian version

Scientific contributions

Submission of scientific contributions

The abstract must necessarily be prepared on the available template and must not exceed an A4 page, including tables, graphs, and images. All the instructions are shown in the template itself.

Moreover, the contribution request must be completed through the attached online form appending the abstract as well, by  16th June 2023 

The deadline has been extended to 07th July 2023

The authors will receive notification regarding the potential acceptance of their submission.

 Please note that the official language for the congress is English. 

All oral presentations must be limited to 15 minutes.

Posters should not exceed the following dimensions: width 70 cm, length 100 cm.

For any further information and communications related to scientific contributions, please use the following e-mail address:



Dr.  Alessandro Palmioli

University of Milan - Bicocca
Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences


Tel. 0264483309


Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences,
University of
Milan - Bicocca

Italian Chemical Society,
Division of Chemistry of Biological Systems