Society Legacy
PGS has a long legacy. It was chartered on October 5th, 1973 by J. Alan Ballard, Charles C. Bates, Joseph W. Berg, Jr. (Deceased), Morris Brenner, David L. Daniels, Thomas M. Davis, William J. Dempsey (Deceased), Herbert C. Eppert, Jr., Richard Q. Foote, William Gumert, Lowell G. Hammons, Roland G. Henderson (Deceased), Troy L. Holcombe, Robert Iverson, Elizabeth R. King, Angelo L. Kontis, Alexander Malahoff, Albert L. McCahan, Rudolph R. Michlik, Peter Popenoe, William E. Rankin, Robert Sax, Robert W. Seaton, Patrick T. Taylor, Burl A. Tuller (Deceased), Robert Van Nostrand, Norman L. Weaver, Bruce G. Weetman, and Isidore Zietz.
PGS met for many years at the Officer's Club in Patton Hall at Fort Myers (Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall) near Arlington Cemetery.
If you would like to contribute to this PGS history page, please email us at
Past Meetings (LINK TO BE ADDED)
Past PGS Officers
(More records to be added, as located. Please email if you have information to add here.)
President: Karen Pearson, Systems Planning and Analysis
2nd Vice President: Marc Buursink, USGS
Treasurer: Laura Sammon
SEG Liaison: Cathy Enomoto, retired
President: Kori Newman
2nd Vice President: Karen Pearson, Systems Planning and Analysis
Secretary: Marc Buursink, USGS
SEG Liaison: Cathy Enomoto, retired
President: Kori Newman
1st Vice President: Joe Durek
2nd Vice President: Karen Pearson, UMD
Secretary: Marc Buursink, USGS
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, retired
SEG Liaison: Cathy Enomoto, retired
President: Marc Buursink, USGS
1st Vice President: Lisa Schleicher, NRC
2nd Vice President: Karen Pearson, UMD
Secretary: Kori Newman
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, retired
SEG Liaison: Cathy Enomoto, retired
President: Marc Buursink, USGS
1st Vice President: Lisa Schleicher, NRC
2nd Vice President: Catherine Enomoto
Secretary: Kori Newman
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, Leidos (retired)
President: Marc Buursink, USGS
1st Vice President: Thomas Pratt, USGS
2nd Vice President: Catherine Enomoto
Secretary: Catherine Tadlock
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, Leidos (retired)
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, Raytheon BBN Technologies
President: Catherine Enomoto, U.S. Geological Survey
1st Vice President: Marc Buursink, U.S. Geological Survey
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, Syneren Technologies Corporation
Secretary: Catherine Cox, ATR Corporation
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, Leidos (retired)
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, Raytheon BBN Technologies
President: Catherine Enomoto, USGS
1st Vice President: Marc Buursink, USGS
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, Leidos
Secretary: Bob Fraser, USGS (retired)
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, Leidos (retired)
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, Raytheon BBN Technologies
President: John (Jack) Murphy, Leidos
1st Vice President: Catherine Enomoto, USGS
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Bob Fraser
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, SAIC
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli
President: Victoria Oancea, Leidos
1st Vice Presidents: Catherine Enomoto, USGS; Pierre Caron; Karl Veith
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Bob Fraser
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, SAIC
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli
SEG Coordinator: David Zinzer
President: Joydeep Bhattacharya
1st Vice Presidents: Karl Veith, Cathy Enomoto, and Pierre Caron
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Bob Fraser
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, SAIC
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli
SEG Coordinator: David Zinzer
(No record available.)
1st Vice President: Keith McLaughlin
(No other record available.)
President: Jack Murphy, SAIC
1st Vice President: Cy Galvin, Coastal Engineer
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Joydeep Bhattacharya, SAIC
Treasurer: Joe Bennett, SAIC
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, BBN Technologies
SEG Coordinator: David Zinzer, U.S. Minerals Management Service
President: Harold Geller, George Mason University
1st Vice President: David Salzberg, SAIC
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Joydeep Bhattacharya, SAIC
Treasurer: Elizabeth King, U.S. Geological Survey
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, BBN Technologies
SEG Coordinator: David Zinzer, U.S. Minerals Management Service
President: Stan Radzevicius, Ensco, Inc.
1st Vice President: Harold Geller, George Mason University
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Joydeep Bhattacharya, BBN Technologies
Treasurer: Elizabeth King, U.S. Geological Survey
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, BBN Technologies
SEG Coordinator: David Zinzer, U.S. Minerals Management Service
President: Cyril Galvin, Coastal Engineer
1st Vice President: Stan Radzevicius, Ensco, Inc.
2nd Vice President: Victor Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Joydeep Bhattacharya, BBN Technologies
Treasurer: Elizabeth King, U.S. Geological Survey
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, BBN Technologies
SEG Coordinator :David Zinzer, U.S. Minerals Management Service
President: Keith McLaughlin, SAIC
1st Vice President: Cy Galvin
2nd Vice President: Victoria Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Stan Radzevicius, Ensco, Inc.
Treasurer: Elizabeth King, U.S. Geological Survey
Web Site Coordinator: Jay Pulli, BBN Technologies
SEG Coordinator: David Ziner, U.S. Minerals Management Service
President: Mike Ryan, USGS
1st Vice President: Keith McLaughlin, SAIC
2nd Vice President: Victoria Oancea, SAIC
Secretary: Stan Radzevicius, Ensco, Inc.
Treasurer: Elizabeth King, U.S. Geological Survey
President: Joe Bennett
1st Vice President: Mike Ryan
2nd Vice President: Pierre Caron
Secretary: Tom Gamble
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Dr. Buck Ibrahim, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
1st Vice President: Dr. Joe Bennett, SAIC/CMR
2nd Vice President: Pierre Caron, SAIC - Center for Monitoring Research
Secretary: Dr. Tom Gamble, Ensco, Inc.
Treasurer: Elizabeth King, U.S. Geological Survey
President: Harold Geller
1st Vice President: Buck Ibrahim
2nd Vice President: Pierre Caron
Secretary: Doug Baumgardt
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Joe Bennett
1st Vice President: Harold Geller
2nd Vice President: Pierre Caron
Secretary: Doug Baumgardt
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Keith McLaughlin
1st Vice President: Jack Murphy
2nd Vice President: Pierre Caron
Secretary: Joe Bennett
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: David Salzberg
1st Vice President: Keith McLaughlin
2nd Vice President: Anton Dainty
Secretary: Joe Bennett
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Jack Murphy
1st Vice President: David Salzberg
2nd Vice President: Ron Cook
Secretary: Doug Baumgardt
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Michael Ryan
1st Vice President: Cy Galvin
2nd Vice President: David Salzberg
Secretary: Jack Murphy
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Harold Geller
1st Vice President: Michael Ryan
2nd Vice President: Jay Pulli
Secretary: David Salzberg
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Thomas Gamble
1st Vice President: Harold Geller
2nd Vice President: Alan Linde
Secretary: Jay Pulli
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: David Zinzer
1st Vice President: Harold Geller
2nd Vice President: Peggy Marshall
Secretary: Wilmer Rivers
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Wilmer Rivers
1st Vice President: David Zinzer
2nd Vice President: Peter Davis
Secretary: Robert Cessaro
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Doug Baumgardt
1st Vice President: Tom Gamble
2nd Vice President: Wilmer Rivers
Secretary: Robert Cessaro
Treasurer: Mike Ryan
President: Karl Veith
1st Vice President: Doug Baumgardt
2nd Vice President: Mike Blackford
Secretary: John Coyne
Treasurer: David Zinzer
President: Gerald Barton
1st Vice President: Karl Veith
2nd Vice President: Indra Gupta
Secretary: John Cooyne
Treasurer: David Zinzer
President: Alan S. Ryall
1st Vice President: Gerald Barton
2nd Vice President: David Zinzer
Secretary: Julia Sullivan
Treasurer: Winston Chan
President: A.K. (Buck) Ibrahim
1st Vice President: Alan S. Ryall
2nd Vice President: Thomas D. Gamble
Secretary: Michael E. Blackford
Treasurer: Winston W. Chan
President: Anne O'Donnell
1st Vice President: A.K. (Buck) Ibrahim
2nd Vice President: Keith McLaughlin
Secretary: Don Clark
Treasurer: Gerry Barton
President: Joe Bennett
1st Vice President: Andy Chang
2nd Vice President: Doug Baumgardt
Secretary: Alison Lees
Treasurer: Gerry Barton
President: Robert Van Nostrand
1st Vice President: Joe Bennett
2nd Vice President: Andy Chang
Secretary: Elaine Padovani
Treasurer: A.K. (Buck) Ibrahim
President: Ian D. MacGregor
1st Vice President: Peter M. Bell
2nd Vice President: T. Joseph Bennett
Secretary: Anne O'Donnell
Treasurer: A. K. (Buck) Ibrahim
President: John R. Murphy
1st Vice President: Ian D. MacGregor
2nd Vice President: Michael J. Shore
Secretary: Margaret E. Marshall
Treasurer: Richard D. Brown
President: Eugene C. Robertson
1st Vice President: John (Jack) R. Murphy
2nd Vice President: Anne O'Donnell
Secretary: Michael J. Shore
Treasurer: Richard (Dick) D. Brown
President: Stanely S. Johnson
1st Vice President: Eugene C. Robertson
2nd Vice President: Peter M. Bell
Secretary: William G. Murray
Treasurer: Eugene Smart
President: Cyril J. Galvin
1st Vice President: John G. Heacock
2nd Vice President: John R. Murphy
Secretary: Stanley S. Johnson
Treasurer: Gregory B. Young
President: Robert Regan
1st Vice President: Leonard Johnson
2nd Vice President: Donald Clements
Secretary: John Goncz
Treasurer: Ralph Alelwine III
President: Robert Van Nostrand
1st Vice President: Robert Regan
2nd Vice President: Samir Vincent
Secretary: Cyril Galvin
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: William J. Dempsey
1st Vice President: Gilbert Mead
2nd Vice President: Roy Hansen
Secretary: Bob Christensen
Treasurer: Elizabeth King
President: Isidore Zietz
1st Vice President: William J. Dempsey
2nd Vice President: Elizabeth R. King
Secretary: Herbert C. Eppert, Jr.
Treasurer: Albert L. McCahan
President: Joseph W. Berg, Jr.
1st Vice President: Rudolph Black
2nd Vice President: William Dempsey
Secretary: Herbert C. Eppert, Jr.
Treasurer: Albert McCahan
President: Burl A. Tuller
1st Vice President: Joseph W. Berg Jr.
2nd Vice President: Isidore Zietz
Secretary: Robert D. Regan
Treasurer: Herbert C. Eppert