Lydia Taft Pratt Town Library

The Town Library moved to the newly formed Community Center in 1996 from it's long term location in the coat room room in the West Dummerston Grange. Previous to that it was housed for many years  in the Front room  of the residence at 130 West Street.

Melissa Susan Petroski wrote :

When I started working as the part-time Lydia Taft Pratt librarian, the library was housed in a coat closet in the West Dummerston Grange. It had around 2,000 uncataloged books. I cataloged all the books on a manual typewriter (yes, on cards!) and eventually moved the collection to its present location in the Dummerston Community Center (formerly the West Dummerston School).   Ref: Views of Dummerston, Spring 2024.

Lydia Taft Pratt Library is the municipal library in Dummerston, Vermont. We are YOUR public library. Lydia Taft Pratt Library was established in March of 1914, when the residents of Dummerston voted at Town Meeting in favor of establishing a municipal library.

We are located at  the Community Center located at150 West Street 

in the heart of West Dummerston Village.

 Our open hours are presently:

Tuesday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Thursday: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

                  Please visit us at our NEW WEBSITE:

    Link to Library web page

        Contact Library Director Dena Marger at or 802-258-9878