Detailed Program




Saturday | July 6th

14:00 – 17:30

Location: EV Building (Concordia Engineering And Visual Arts Building)
Workshop 1 & Workshop 2

Room EV 2.184   Room EV 3.309

Sunday | July 7th

9:00 – 12:30

14:00 – 17:30


Location: EV Building (Concordia Engineering And Visual Arts Building)
Workshop 3 & Workshop 4

Room EV 2.184   Room EV 3.309

Location: EV Building (Concordia Engineering And Visual Arts Building)
Workshop 5 & Workshop 6

Room EV 2.184   Room EV 3.309

Pre-conference mixer
Location: Tuscolo, 1466 Crescent St.
Pay for your own drinks and food

Monday | July 8th

8:30 – 9:00

9:00 - 10:15

Location for all sessions: EV Building (Concordia Engineering and Visual Arts Building)
Room 2.260 



John Gero and Yong Zeng


Chair: John Gero

Speaker: Roger Beaty, Penn State

Assessing and Enhancing Human Creativity with AI

10:15 - 10:45


10:45 - 12:30

Session 1:  Design Processes

Chair:  Michela Turrin, TU Delft

Nick Kelly, Jess Greentree, Ricardo Sosa and Richard Evans

Automating Useful Representations of the Design Process from Design Protocols

Gaëlle Baudoux and Kosa Goucher-Lambert

Automating Analogical Reasoning: A Wizard of Oz Study on the Benefits and Pitfalls of a Sketch-based AI Image Generator for Design

Ahmed Shahriar Sakib, Ada Hurst and Frank Safayeni

Towards AI-Assisted Protocol Analysis in Design Research: Automating Question Labelling with GPT-4 According to Eris’ (2004) Taxonomy

Yuval Kahlon and Haruyuki Fujii

Mapping Design Computing Research

12:30 – 13:45

EV 4.101

13:45 – 15:30

Session 2:  Design Creativity

Chair:  Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo

Mengru Wang, Zhengya Gong, Huaidong Peng, Sohail Ahmed Soomro, Rui Wang and Georgi V. Georgiev

The Influence of Semantic Stimuli on Design Creativity: An EEG Study from the Perspective of Design Neurocognition

Mengru Wang, Sohail Ahmed Soomro, Zhengya Gong and Georgi V. Georgiev

Neurocognition of Design Creativity Studied with EEG: A Systematic Literature Review

Rachel Kimball and Rohan Prabhu

Thinking Divergently: Exploring the Effects of ADHD on Design Creativity and Cognitive Load 

Evan Brown and Rohan Prabhu

Looking Within: Exploring the Effects of Social Identity-Based Reflection on Designers’ Problem Framing Behavior

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 – 17:45

Session 3:  Design Cognition

Chair:  Alison Olewcheski, University of Toronto

John Gero and Julie Milovanovic

Micro Analysis of Team Design: Temporal Formation and Dissolution of Subteams while Designing

Dmitry Leshkov and Elies Dekoninck

Evaluating Consistencies and Variances in Inclusive Design Principles for Neurodivergent Individuals

Jaechang Ko and Sora Key

A Quantitative Examination of Design Experience and its Influence on the Perception of Minimalism in Architectural Design

Julianne Attai, Meagan Flus and Alison Olechowski

Examining Conflict Patterns in Hackathon Teams: A Case Study 



Location: MB Building (John Molson Building, Concordia University)
Room 10.121

Tuesday | July 9th

9:00 - 10:45

Session 4Shape and Form

Chair:  Iestyn Jowers, Open University

Iestyn Jowers, Daniel John Clarke and Richard J Moat

Square-based Honeycombs: A Study of Shape and Performance

Deborah Benros

A Generative Multilingual Shape Grammar for Mini and Micro-housing Design, Applied Robotic Construction its Design and Build Experience

Yichao Shi and Athanassios Economou

Parametric Interpretation of Dougong in Yingzao Fashi: Advancing Chinese Bracket Set Grammar with Shape Machine

Russell Newton and Athanassios Economou

Redefining Line Maximization

10:45 - 11:15


11:15 - 12:45

Session 5Design Technology

Chair:  Jenn Campbell, University of Arkansas

Esdras Paravizo and Nathan Crilly

How Do we Know if a Design Space Representation is Accurate or Useful? Insights from the DS-Viz Method

Nayeon Kim and John Gero

Visual Attention to Biophilic Elements in Virtual Classroom Design: A VR Eye-Tracking Study

Stephanie Bunt, Catherine Berdanier and Nathan Brown

Optimization in Parametric Design Thinking: Are New Models Needed?

Akash Agrawal and Christopher McComb

Symmetry Heuristics for Stable Reinforcement Learning Design Agents

12:45 – 14:15


14:15 –15:45

Session 6AI and Design

Chair:  Christopher McComb, Carnegie Mellon University

Wangchuan Feng, Sebastien Hélie and Jitesh Panchal

Increasing the Diversity of Design Concepts Generated by Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT

Elisa Koolman, John Z. Clay, Xingang Li, Rundong Jiang, Molly H. Goldstein, Charles Xie, H. Onan Demirel and Zhenghui Sha

A Multi-case Study of Traditional, Parametric, and Generative Design Thinking of Engineering Students 

Jiacheng Sun and Ting Liao

MazeMind: Exploring the Effects of Hand Gestures and Eye Gazing on Cognitive Load and Task Efficiency in an Augmented Reality Environment

Antoine Bordas, Pascal Le Masson, Maxime Thomas and Benoit Weil

What is Generative in Generative Artificial Intelligence? A Design-based Perspective

15:45 –16:30

Poster Presentations

Chair: Tripp Shealy, Virginia Tech

16:30– 16:45


16:45– 17:45

Poster Viewing


Conference Dinner
Location: L'Auberge Saint Gabriel, 426 rue Saint-Gabriel, Vieux-Montréa

Wednesday | July 10th

9:00 - 10:45

Session 7:  Design and Brain Behaviors

Chair:  Mark Goudswaard, Bristol University

Mark Goudswaard, Tripp Shealy and John Gero

An Exploration of Brain Lateralization During Engineering Design Ideation

Luqian Wang, Clive Hy Wong, Leanne Chang, Zhen Yuan and Yi-Teng Shih

A New Approach for Examining the Changes of Brain Behaviors between Problem-finding and Problem-solving in Design Teamwork

Wenjun Jia, Hongjiang Yu, Morteza Zangeneh Soroush and Yong Zeng

Higher-order Cognitive States Recognition in Open-ended Design Creation Tasks Using EEG Microstate Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks

Emma Walker, Tripp Shealy and John Gero

Neuro-cognitive Feedback as a Tool for Improving Cognitive Endurance in Engineering Design

Fanika Lukačević, Niccolò Becattini and Stanko Škec

Comparing Engineering Designers’ Brain Activity in Visuospatial Reasoning Tasks

10:45 - 11:15


11:15- 12:45

Session 8:  Design AI Applications

Chair:  Newton D'Souza, Florida International University

Elisa Kwon, John D. Patterson, Roger E. Beaty and Kosa Goucher-Lambert

Assessing the Alignment Between Word Representations in the Brain and Large Language Models

Newton D'Souza and Mohammad Dastmalchi

Design Creativity Stranded at Mid Journey? Exploring Creative Disruption and Potential of Architectural Prompts in Generative AI

Ananya Nandy, Monica Van, Jonathan Li, Kosa Goucher-Lambert, Matthew Klenk and Shabnam Hakimi

Semantic Properties of Word Prompts Shape Design Outcomes: Understanding the Influence of Semantic Richness and Similarity

Cole Jetton, Christopher Hoyle and Matthew Campbell

Overcoming Design Challenges in Coupled System Device Problems Using Agent-Based Models

12:45 – 13:00

Closing, Springer Nature proceedings and invitation to DCC'26 in Paris