Outside the Classroom

A small part of my family from Las Vegas

Since the beginning

I absolutely adore my family and everything they do for me. I love seeing them and enjoying the parties they throw. They are some of my favorite people in the world and are the people that make me laugh the most in life

From here to now

My friends are the people who keep me sane and help me with anything and everything in life, when I have time I will go out to eat with them or we'll get together and talk about life or make some food. 

So. Many. Books

Ever since I was young I have always loved to read, whether it be something mysterious or plain factual. As long as it's written well I will love what it talks about, especially if there is any type of romance in it. I have around 120+ books at the moment and am planning on buying more after finishing the current one I am on: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller.