My Goals

SMART Goal for Class

My goal for this class is to make sure I fully understand everything we are learning about in class. I will know that I have reached my goal if I have no questions about a certain topic and am able to help others if they are confused. In order to reach my goal I will study for at least two hours outside of class to fully grasp the concepts. I plan to accomplish this goal by December of 2022. 

SMART Goal for the Semester

My goal for this semester is to stay on top of my work and make sure to understand everything that I am doing in class. I will know that I have reached my goal if I am able to describe what I have learned in class. In order to reach this goal I will study outside of class until I understand the topic, I wil also ask many questions. I will reach my goal by the end of the semester so I have a good amount of knowledge to keep preparing for my teaching career.