

I feel as though I have shown my strengths in teaching and taking notes to look back to later and study. 

I am weakest when trying to fully focus on a lesson. The lesson itself is very interesting yet my mind always tends to wander off during class and even while doing homework. 

My Goals

I come to class everyday so I'm sure I don't miss any information that is being given or taught. I make sure to take as many notes as I can in class but my mind does wander off at times. I feel as though I would give myself a B in the class at the moment, I'm doing the work that is being assigned but I don't fully understand every topic that we have been over. For the rest of the semester I am planning to watch the lectures the night before and take notes so I am prepared for class the next day and cutting down on my free time at home so I am able to give this class the focus I need for it. 



I just need to make sure to not lose focus anymore, it won't hurt to leave some free time off and give some more time to studies