Over the last 20 years, I have conducted research at the intersection of search engine technologies, information search behavior, AI, personalization, data science, and business.

Example industry collaborations:

  1. 2019-present: VP Research, CoreAI. Numerous projects identifying AI opportunities in SME's

  2. 2018: Consultant to Taboola, prior to launch of Newsroom product

  3. 2016-2018: Principal Investigator, Event-Detection in Twitter. Major grant from Office of the Chief Scientist of Israel, to foster industry-academia collaboration. Developed algorithm to detect real-world events by analyzing Twitter data in real time.

  4. 2014: eBay Big Data Lab. Selected by eBay to work on its big data platform, as part of a project to foster collaboration. Project explored the evolution of language in a commercial setting.

Some current thesis students’ topics:

  1. Data Mining in Pharmacovigilance (formal-technical)

  2. Persuasion: characterizing online attempts to persuade (machine learning + social-psychology)

  3. Tone and Credibility in Quarterly Earnings reports (investor relations + social psychology)