Parents and Guardians

Please fill out a student information form for each student participating in band and color guard this year!

(The 2022 Student Information Form will be available soon)

The Daniel Boone Band Boosters are a 501c non-profit organization. We are always in need of volunteers!! Our band depends on money raised by the booster organization. We are fortunate to have many wonderful volunteers involved in our booster organization. If you are a parent, guardian, grandparent, or relative of a band or colorguard student and are interesting in volunteering, please contact the booster President Lisa Ragan via text or call at 423-502-1796. We are always in need of volunteers to assist with band camp. If you are a parent/guardian of an incoming Freshman, volunteering at band camp is a wonderful way to learn more about what goes on during band camp and how it all works! We ALWAYS need volunteers to work in the band concession stand during the football season!!

Please join our DBHS Blazer Band Booster page on Facebook for up to date information and announcements.

Request to join our Facebook page at 'DBHS Blazer Band Boosters'

Please join our Parent Remind App- text @dbhsbandi to 81010