Since its founding in 1801, the University of South Carolina, its students and alumni have been profoundly affected by wars, most notably the Civil War, WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War. As Memorial Day draws near, it is a fitting time to remember.

Eighty-one graduates of the University of South Carolina have died in military service since the Spanish-American War at the close of the 19th century. In observance of Memorial Day, we remember three who died serving their country in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War.

Days To Remember Mp3 Download


JFK once had a bad night's rest in the President's House, and Burt Bacharach tickled the ivories there. Pope John Paul II addressed a crowd of thousands packed onto the Horseshoe. This trip down memory lane has us remembering some of the famous visitors who've come to campus over the years.

I have been a student of Treehouse for just 4 days and I have trouble with myself that I think it's very serious.I'm learning Java and it seems that I'm doing great with the objectives or challenges and the quizzes that Treehouse give to me. However, when I try to review myself by doing again the objectives without seeing the video again, I can't do it. I always make errors again and again because I can't remember perfectly what I did yesterday.

If you've been a student for just four days, it's expected that you'll forget much (maybe even most!) of what you learn since you haven't had the time to put it into practice much. As the old saying goes, "practice makes perfect". The more you keep having to look things up and ask questions, the faster you'll learn, because eventually you'll think, "Oh right, I've looked this up seventeen times and the answer is XYZ." That's when you know you've learned something!

So, don't be discouraged; forgetting at this point is not only expected, it's an essential part of the learning process. Just keep at it, and you'll find yourself remembering more and more each day! :)

Nowhere in the 'Programmers Rule Book', does it say that you need to remember absolutely everything. Just be aware that it can and will take time, but the more you use certain principals the better you will be and the more you will remember. At 4 days, I wouldn't be worried at all. Just do your best, and keep the 'can-do; will-do' attitude. Because you CAN do it. and if you believe that, then you WILL do it.

You'll remember how to do almost all of it on your own in time, but most of the time you'll remember because you were stuck on it before when you were trying to do it on your own, not because you saw it in the video.

It takes more to learn programming, you have to know the basics. Plus , the more you do it, the more connections your brain will do an will remember more. They will get stronger and will grow something. Make a little project on side. No programmer knows everything, everyone look in gooogle . If I want to do something I css, I know css well, and then just do a research about something that gives me idea how its done and BOOM! Magic.

Even Nick Pettit says he needs to look for a basic line of code to connect html to css :D i did thst too. I just have a template with it by me. But even if, i would know or will find out what I need to put. Basicaly with basics, you can do anything. Like there are html game and html web, with js too, so u look in documentation and since you know the basics of js, you know how yo do anything. That basics took you Cople of days. If you spend 24h in two days, you could write a simple program, thst was in my case with Ruby. But then i switched.

On August 23, the album was announced for release on October 8, 2013.[73] A few days prior to the release, the band won the right to self-release the album,[74] with the band contractually obligated to owing Victory at least two more albums.[75][76] McKinnon said about Victory, "The only thing [they] held above us was the right to put out this album and we won the right to put it out ourselves [...] Now it can go to a jury and good luck having a jury of random people agree that two live albums that are sold separately not count as an album, good luck with that."[77] The band self-released the album digitally on October 8.[78] A physical edition with additional tracks was released on November 25,[79] by the band's own label, ADTR Records.

To increase youth awareness about the more than 118,000 Canadians who died in military service over the years, using a calendar approach to help realise that every day of the year, we could pause to remember.

Remembrance Day, on November 11, is a well-known date to pause to honour those who served and died in military service. Many people agree that taking a moment to reflect on the contributions of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, at least once a year, is important. Ask your students what Remembrance Day means to them. Then, lead a discussion about remembrance and the other days of the year. Do they think about remembrance only once a year, or are there other dates or events that trigger reflection?

Tell your students that Canada, since Confederation in 1867, has never invaded another country. The only times that Canada has declared war on other countries was during the Second World War. Canada is seen by many as a peaceful place. However, Canadians have been involved in wars, conflicts, military operations and various other military missions over the years. Protecting peace and freedom comes with dangers and sadly, more than 118,000 Canadians have died in service over the years. It can be hard to put such a large number in perspective. To help your students realise the scope of this sacrifice, you can break it by the days in a year. Dividing 118,000 fallen by 365 days equals over 320. So, you could tell your students that Canada has lost, over the years, on average more than 320 people in military service for each day of a calendar year. Look at the size of your school, and consider 320 in relation with the number of students you have.

The Canadian Virtual War Memorial is a registry of information about the graves and memorials of more than 118,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders who served valiantly and gave their lives for their country. The site includes the memorials for the over 1,800 men and women who have died in service to Canada since the Korean War, notably in the context of peacekeeping missions and other operations. It also has digital images of photographs and the personal memorabilia of Canadians. The purpose of this registry is to remember the men and women who served Canada in the defence of freedom and who, in so doing, contributed to the development of Canada as a nation.

When re-authenticating my browser extension after 30 days, after logging in I am presented with the two factor authentication screen that allows me to set a name under the "Trust This Computer For 30 Days" section.

Do you remember when you were a kid and you counted the days off until Christmas? You always knew exactly how many there were to go. Fourteen, thirteen, twelve and on. Well, I had to count them off on the calendar, but now there are ten days until Christmas Eve when many families will be gathering to enjoy the holiday with presents and glittering lights and delicious food. Kids everywhere will be ready to go to bed so Santa can come, but they might be too excited to sleep.

I would tell the first years to expect to be a little bit homesick. Walk around the campus and get your bearings. Meet the neighbors. Unpack enough to function the first few days with your parents, and you can always organize it later.

Make a fist. 

If the month is on a knuckle, it has 31 days. Otherwise is has 30 or less days.

Starting with the 1st knuckle as January, 

The space between knuckles as February, 

2nd Knuckle is March... etc.

Once you get to the fourth knuckle, July, start over at the first knuckle for August.

I am glad I am not the only one who has trouble remembering the rest of that rhyme. I always ask my Mom who is a retired elementary school teacher (and remembers it). This is a great alternative and a great way to visualize it. Thank you!

You can tell Duo to remember your computer for 7 days. This is not available through the Duo app; rather, it's available during the SSO two-step login process by checking the box labeled "Remember me for 7 days." There are two scenarios for the "remember me" function:

Ariyanna's story brings to mind the numerous 17-year-old transgender individuals I've met while speaking with parents. Witnessing the joy on their faces upon being recognized for who they truly are is a profound experience. I've seen parents who, after a journey of understanding, not only accept but also celebrate their child's gender identity. Reflecting on my own days as a 17-year-old, unable to transition, I think about our collective efforts to create a world where young people like Ariyanna could freely do so. The injustice of stripping away such joy and light from a person is immeasurably cruel.

On days like today, my thoughts turn to Ariyanna Mitchell, a vibrant and beautiful young black teenager who excelled in dancing. Cherished by her friends, Ariyanna's courage shone brightly when a gunman invaded the party she was attending. Bravely stepping between the assailant and her fellow partygoers, she was asked about her gender: \u201CAre you a boy or a girl?\u201D Tragically, her response led to her being shot. Ariyanna's only 'crime' was protecting those around her while embracing her true self. She was just 17 years old. 006ab0faaa

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