What is Literature?(After M.A.)

Fish -as a metaphor to literature

Literature? Well… Maybe Yes. Literature can be the best way to understand the world. Because as many critics define literature as a 'Mirror of Society,' Literature is an 'X-ray image of the world.' Manier time literature is also depicted as Window of the World. Or if we put in the words of Matthew Arnold then 'Poetry is a Criticism of Life.'Do you think these definitions of Literature are enough to make sense of What exactly Literature is? Let's see some more definitions of Literature that shows how time and again various Scholars define literature.In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson,

"Literature is the record of the best thoughts." So, Literature according to Emerson is a bunch of good thoughts and experiences which are helpful to other people in understanding their meaning of life.

If you ask me to give a metaphor to literature,then I must say literature is like a fish for me.Because fish is one of the living things which can't live without water.And like that as a human being we have to learn so many things from literature.Without literature we can't imagine the world.Our perspective are also changing with the demand of literature.To get the aesthetic delight of literature we have to swim all across the water.Then and then we can get the real aesthetic delights.

There are two characteristics in the fish one is that it is killer and other is it is surviver also. Fish is able to find mystories in the depth of the water.To understand the literature we have to go into very depth of the literature.