Research Advising and Mentorship

Ph.D Supervision

Student: Sayeh Gholipour-Picha, Gipsa-Lab, École doctorale Électronique, Électrotechnique, Automatique, Traitement du Signal (ED EEATS)

Duration: 16 of  November 2022 to 15 of Novemeber 2025

Subject:  Explainable Deep Learning in Medical Imaging Diagnosis

Student: Fabian LEON, Between Gipsa-Lab and Centre Léon Bérard.

Duration: 06 of March 2024  to 05 of March 2027

Subject: Infrared imaging based on the selection of spectral biomarkers for the diagnosis of cancer of the oral cavity

Master and End of Engineering Supervision

Student: Iannis Pereuilhet, 2A Biomed  (Phlema), Gipsa-Lab

Duration: : 6th of march to 31th of July,  acedmic year 2023-202

Subject: Towards Explainable Artificial Intelligence XAI for medical Image Analysis.

Student: Maria Fernandes, 2A génie de l’énergie électrique  (ENSE3), Gipsa-Lab

Duration: : 5th of June to 5th of September,  acedmic year 2022-2023 

Subject: Guided Semi-Supervised Learning Model with Uncertainty Measure.

Student: Ali Moufid, 3A Engineering  (Phlema) Gipsa-Lab

Duration: : 4th of July to 23rd of September,  acedmic year 2021-2022

Subject: Guided Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Uncertainty Measure

Student: Samer Saleh, 2A Engineering  (Phlema) Gipsa-Lab

Duration: : 1st of March to 29th of July,  acedmic year 2021-2022

Subject: Leveraging prior image captions information into anomaly and semantic scene segmentation.

Co-Supervision: Dr. Kai Wang (CNRS Researcher)

Student: Zaineb Chiha, 3A, Engineering, École Centrale de Nantes/ LS2N

Duration: 1st of February to end of Julyacedmic year 2020-2021

Subject: Deep Learning based Low-limb Muscle Segmentation for Reproducible Volume Quantification

Co-Supervision: Pr. Diana Mateus

Student: Elice Roy Kanjamala, M2, École Centrale de Nantes/ LS2N

Duration: 3 months, acedmic year 2020-2021

Subject:  Active Learning for Smart Sampling

Students: Valentin NOEL, Giorgi Gelovani and Kai Huang, M1, École Centrale de Nantes/ LS2N

Duration: 3 months,  acedmic year 2019-2020

Subject: Brain Tumor Segmentation using Classical Image Processing and Deep Learning Approach


Student: Sayeh Gholipour-Picha, M2, Gipsa-Lab

Duration: 1st of February to end of  June,  acedmic year 2021-2022

Subject: Does GAN-Based Image Data Augmentation provide New Information?

Main Supervisor: Pr. Alice Caplier

Internship Tutor, Phelma

StudentLoïc Pouvreau, 3A SICOM  

Duration: 20/03/2023 to 25/08/2023

Subject: Concepteur logiciel – Intelligence Artificielle

StudentJulia Garriga Ferrer, M2 parcours SIGMA

Duration: 20/02/2023 to 18/08/2023

Subject: Machine learning for the automatic identification of dislocations in DFXM

StudentClément Lambotin, 3A SICOM  

Duration: 01/03/2023 to 30/08/2023

Subject: Stage ingénieur Traitement d'images / Deep learning

Student:  Florian Sgard, 3A BIOMED  

Duration: 14/02/2022 to 01/07/2022 

Subject: Artificial Intelligence and NLP

Student Youssef Boulkhir, 3A SEOC-PHELMA

Duration: 14/02/2022 to 15/08/2022

Subject: Design and production of a visual article recognitionvisual recognition tool.