Dissemination and Reviewing Activities

Conferences Talks and Attendance

  • 19th to 24th June 2022.

  • Attending some workshops and the main conference.

MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France

  • 24th September to 1st of October.

  • Presenting the paper Optimal Latent Vector Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Medical Image Segmentation.

MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru

  • 4th to 8th of October.

  • Presenting the paper Spatio-temporal Consistency and Negative Label Transfer for 3D freehand US Segmentation.


  • 25th to 28th of October.

  • Attending the main conference.

VISAPP, 2018, Madeira, Portugal

  • 27th to 29th of January.

  • Presenting the paper Improving bag-of-visual-words towards effective facial expressive image classification.

VISAPP, 2017, Porto, Portugal

  • 27th of February to 1st of March.

  • Presenting the paper Spontaneous Facial Expression Recognition using Sparse Representation.

Seminars and Talks

  • I gave a talk for ACTIV team, gipsa-lab, March 02 2022, Autoencoders and Variational AutoEncoders.

  • I gave a talk at GDR, November 26 2021, Towards pragmatic learning in a context of limited labeled visual data.

  • I gave a seminar for the Pôle Sciences des Données, November 16 2021, Optimal Latent Vector Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Medical Image Segmentation.

  • I gave multiple talks on "Interactive Few-Shot Siamese Network for Faster Muscles Segmentation and Propagation in Volumetric Ultrasound" in:

      • Scientific day organized the team MIMESIS team, Inria, April 2021.

      • Scientific day organized between the team SIMS from École Centrale de Nantes and the team CAMMA from University of Strasbourg, March 2021.

      • Scientific day organized by team SIMS from École Centrale de Nantes, November, 2020.

Editorial Work


IEEE Transactions:

  • Neural Networks and Learning Systems, since July 2020, 7 reviews.

  • Affective Computing, Since February 2018, 4 reviews.

  • Multimedia, since December 2018, 5 reviews.


  • Elsevier Pattern Recognition, since May 2020, 20 reviews.

  • Elsevier Computer Vision and Image Understanding, since December 2021, 2 reviews.

  • Elsevier Medical Image Analysis, since May 2022, 2 review.


  • IEEE WCCI 2022 World Congress on Computational Intelligence.

  • IPCAI 2022 International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions.

  • MICCAI 2021 Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions.

  • MICCAI 2020 Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions.

  • External assigned reviewer CVPR 2019

Thesis Jury

  • Role: Examiners, Student: Mouath Aouayeb, Thesis: Deep Learning for Facial Micro-expressions Analysis, INSA Rennes, November 09, 2022.

Projects Finance Reviewer

  • Reviewer for the French National Research Agency (ANR) project finance.

Scientific and Pedagical Training

Pedagogical Course, Grenoble-INP, PerForm

  • September 2021 - June 2022, Grenoble-INP

  • Training and consulting for teachers to become familiar with the basics of university pedagogy through educational workshops and communities of practice.

  • Includes 3 days workshops from 06-08 December 2021 provided by University of Grenoble Alpes, focused on training about research and higher education.

Emotional Intelligence in Remote Teaching and Learning Workshop

  • 21 March 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

  • Understand the definition of the Emotional Intelligence concept.

  • Be able to apply the Emotional Intelligence concept during classes.

  • Develop pedagogical approaches, which promote an open minded

Pedagogical Course, Teaching Science and Engineering, EPFL, MOOC

  • Develop teaching skills in scientific and engineering disciplines at university level.

  • Learn learning stratigies that aid the student learning process.

Company Creation and Consultant Training

  • January - June 2018, Ecole doctorale Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique, Traitement du Signal, Grenoble, France.

  • A series of courses and project covering how to create a company, how to find partners, build budgets or convince people to start new projects, how to act as a consultant.

Data Science Summer School

  • DS3, Sept 2017, École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau, France.

  • A series of courses covering the latest advances in the field of data science were provided.

  • Presenting a poster that illustrate my research work.