
(This section is still a work in progress)

The primary function of a Somerville neighborhood council is to ensure developers' projects benefits people in the neighborhood.  In addition, we have identified these other priorities to focus on, not with the authority of a neighborhood council, but as residents who want to see Davis Square thrive!

Zoning for more housing

The Asana and Scape projects (in Davis Square Plaza and Elm St. from The Burren through Dragon Pizza) displaced several local businesses with plans to build lab space, which residents and business owners had no say in, and which never materialzed.  Davis Square, and Somerville more broadly, has a major need for more housing; we would prefer to see the upper floors of those buildings developed into housing, which Davis Square (and Somerville more broadly) severely needs.  We would also like to see housing considered for other 1-story buildings in the center of Davis Square, such as the College Ave. MBTA headhouse.

One next step we need to take to make that possible is to get the City Council to update the zoning to allow construction of the housing we would like to see.  We also need to communicate with developers to understand what other factors are preventing them building more housing.

📸: Asana

Community Path wayfinding & art

The Somerville Community path offers a safe, off-street path for families and micromobility commuters, connecting to Cambridge Crossing, the Watertown Greenway, the Minuteman Bikeway, and more.  For path users unfamiliar with the Davis Square area, however, the square bisects the path.  We want to add wayfinding signage and art from community members to welcome path users to Davis Square as well as help them find the path's continuation.

Maliing list thread · Ideas doc

📸: Zachary Yaro

Pedestrian safety

We support long-term visions like the Elmway proposal, but we also need near-term safety improvements for pedestrians, including:

📸: Zachary Yaro


Neighborhoods thrive when we get to know and support our neighbors.  We love larger city-wide events like HONK! and Porchfest, but we also want to foster regular little neighborhood events.  Anyone for some co-working at Diesel, or coffee in Statue Park?

📸: Seth Lenzi on Google Maps

Other priorities

Other initiatives we have discussed that require longer-term planning, or that we have less ability to influence, include: