Davis Square Neighborhood Council

Our last meeting was June 24th; our next will be Monday, July 29th at 6:00 PM.

We are in the process of forming a neighborhood council to represent residents and local business owners in Davis Square, Somerville.  If you live in the Davis Square neighborhood (or visit Davis frequently and want to stay in the loop), join our mailing list!

What is the goal?  What is a neighborhood council?

A “neighborhood council” is a type of group the Somerville government would formally recognize that could give Davis Square residents, business owners, and workers a seat at the table with private developers who want to reshape Davis Square.  We would like the DSNC to empower the people of Davis Square in other ways as well (e.g., infrastructure and zoning) and are still investigating to what extent that is possible.  Absolutely anyone who lives or works in Davis can have a voice in the DSNC.

Where are things right now?

We have a number of things we need to do before the DSNC can be formally established, including:

Want to help move things forward?  Join our mailing list, and let us know how you want to be involved!

Want to get straight into the weeds?  We have a shared Google Drive folder with all our relevant work-in-progress documents.  Hop into this thread in the Google Group, and let us know what you want to contribute to!

Some questions we are investigating:

As we learn more about the neighborhood council formation process, some questions rasied by interested folks that we are looking into include:

We are also keeping note of other questions Davis residents, workers, and customers have raised that we want to investigate when possible, including:

Have answers or want to help us find themJoin our mailing list, and let us know how you want to be involved!