
Like many academics I receive requests every day asking me to accept students, host visitors, answer questions, advise research and so on. I would like to respond to every one but I cannot. If you want my attention, please be very specific with the subject of your message. 

Prospective Students

Graduate students interested in studying at Carnegie Mellon, applying to the robotics doctoral or masters program, or working in my laboratory must apply for admission.  I cannot admit you directly. I do not review credentials—that is done by an admissions committee. I cannot respond to inquiries about admission.

Undergraduate students seeking summer internships must apply to the Summer Scholars program before we can discuss research projects.

If you are currently a student at Carnegie Mellon and your interest is related to my research, I will find time to meet with you.  Tell me what you are doing and when you are available.

Prospective Visitors

If you are seeking for a post-doctoral or sabbatical position you will need your own financial support.  Contact me if you have ideas for research we could accomplish together.  When I am looking for someone, I advertise on the robotics-worldwide mailing list.

If you wish to visit for a day and want a tour, please contact the Robotics Institute.  

Contact Details

My physical and electronic mail addresses are on the Robotics Institute website.


There is plenty of information on finding the Robotics Institute. If you use a map program to find Newell-Simon Hall in Pittsburgh that will work too.