Research Staff/Students supervised (externally funded, the funding source preceds in brackets):

Post Doctoral Research Assistants:

5. (Leverhulme Grant) Jonathan Thurgood,10/2014 -- 10/2015, moved on to take up Post Doctoral Research Assistant position at Northumbria University;

4. (Leverhulme Grant) Dr Marina Skender, 06/2013--10/2014; moved on to take up Postdoctoral Researcher position at Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Italy;

3. (Leverhulme Grant) Dr Holger Schmitz, 07/2012--01/2013, moved on to take up Post Doctoral Research Assistant position at Rutherford Appleton Lab (RAL), UK;

2. (STFC Grant) Dr Nicholas Bian, 08/2008--05/2009, moved on to take up Post Doctoral Research Assistant position at University of Glasgow, UK;

1. (STFC Grant) Dr Takayuki Haruki, 05/2006--05/2008, moved on to take up Assistant Professor position at Toyama University, Japan.

PhD students:

5. (Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau PhD Scholarship) Ahdab Althukair, "The study of main-sequence star super-flare frequency, peculiar super-flares and empirical relations between stellar activity and rotation periods", 2018 -- 2023, PhD Awarded 2023, Queen Mary University of London; PhD viva voce conducted by Philippa Browning (Manchester) and Gerry Doyle (Armagh Observatory) on 11 October 2023.

4. (STFC PhD Scholarship) Callum Boocock, "MHD Wave simulations in realistic three-dimensional Solar Atmospheric Structures", 2017--2022 , PhD Awarded December 2022, Queen Mary University of London; PhD viva voce conducted by Michael Ruderman (Sheffield) and Andrew Hiller (Exeter) on July 21st, 2022.

3. (STFC PhD Scholarship) Jan Graf von der Pahlen, thesis title: "Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in a Stressed X-point Collapse", 2012--2016, PhD Awarded July 2017, Queen Mary University of London; PhD viva voce conducted by Philippa Browning (Manchester) and Thomas Neukirch (St Andrews) on October 17th, 2016.

2. (SEPNet PhD Scholarship) Roman Pechhacker, thesis title: "Particle acceleration with associated generation and absorption of electromagnetic radiation in solar plasmas", 2010--2013, PhD Awarded July 2014, Queen Mary University of London; PhD viva voce conducted by Philippa Browning (Manchester) and Eduard Kontar (Glasgow) on December 17th, 2013.

1. (U. Salford PhD Scholarship) Phil D. Smith, 2006--2009, thesis title: "Heating of the solar corona: enhansed phase mixing and current loop coalescence", PhD Awarded November 2009, University of Salford; PhD viva voce conducted by Philippa Browning  (Manchester) and Ian Morrison (Salford) in September 2009.