Doctoral Dissertation: Title of dissertation: On physical processes occurring in the hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic astrophysical and laboratory flows; name of supervisor: Raoul D. Viollier, date of award of degree: 12.12.1996, the dissertation is published by University of Cape Town, a copy is in University Library,    The number of the publications resulting from the dissertation is 7 (the last seven in the list below)

Refereed Journal Publications:

85.  D. Tsiklauri, "The effect of external magnetic field on electron scale Kelvin-Helmholtz instability", submitted for publication 2024,

84.  D. Tsiklauri, "Particle acceleration by sub-proton cyclotron frequency spectrum of dispersive Alfven waves in inhomogeneous solar coronal plasmas", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 4, February 2024, Pages 10822–10836,,

83. A. K. Althukair, D. Tsiklauri,"Prediction of short stellar activity cycles using derived and established empirical relations between activity and rotation periods", Res. Astron. Astrophys.  23, 115015 (2023),,

82. A. K. Althukair, D. Tsiklauri,"New cases of super-flares on slowly rotating solar-type stars and large amplitude superflares in G- and M-type main-sequence stars",  Res. Astron. Astrophys.  23, 105010 (2023),,

81. A. K. Althukair, D. Tsiklauri,"Main-sequence star super-flares based on entire Kepler data", Res. Astron. Astrophys. 23, 085017 (2023),

80. C. Boocock, D. Tsiklauri, "Enhanced Phase Mixing of Torsional Alfvén Waves in Stratified and Divergent Solar Coronal Structures, Paper II: Nonlinear Simulations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 510, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 2618–2627,;

79. C. Boocock, D. Tsiklauri, "Enhanced Phase Mixing of Torsional Alfvén Waves in Stratified and Divergent Solar Coronal Structures, Paper I: Linear Solutions", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 510, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 1910–1922,;

78. M. Stangalini, R. Erdélyi, C. Boocock, D. Tsiklauri, C. J. Nelson, D. Del Moro, F. Berrilli, M. B. Korsós, “Torsional Oscillations in a Magnetic Pore in the Solar Photosphere”, Nature Astronomy 5, 691–696 (2021) DOI Contribution: DT has suggested an idea that linearly polarized Alfven Wave driving at the bottom of magnetic flux tube will result in the generation of torsional m=1 Alfven wave oscillations in the entire flux tube, planned MHD numerical simulations and helped in their interpretation. Related press release from QMUL

77. Boocock, C.; Kusano, K.; Tsiklauri, D., "The Effects of Oscillations and Collisions of Emerging Bipolar Regions on the Triggering of Solar Flares", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 900, Issue 1, id.65, 9 pp., September 2020,, arXiv:2009.05457.

76. D. Tsiklauri, S. Karabasov, V. Prodaevich, "The effect of particle gas composition and boundary conditions on triboplasma generation: a computational study using the particle-in-cell method", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, JULY 2020, Volume: 48, Issue: 7, Pages: 2475-2486,, arXiv:1911.01501.

75. C.M. Boocock and D. Tsiklauri, "A simple and accurate potential magnetic field calculator for solar physics applications using staggered grids", Astron. Astrophys., 625, A47 (2019),, arXiv:1903.10546.

74. D. Tsiklauri, "New regime of plasma wake field acceleration in the extreme blowout regime", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Issue Date: JANUARY 2019, Volume: 47, Issue:1, On Page(s): 324-328, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2018.2880602 , arXiv:1802.07349.

73. Mghebrishvili, I., Zaqarashvili, T.V., Kukhianidze, V., Kuridze, D., Tsiklauri, D., Shergelashvili, B.M.; Poedts, S., "Association between Tornadoes and Instability of Hosting Prominences", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 861, Issue 2, article id. 112, 10 pp. (2018), arXiv:1807.01345.

72. D. Tsiklauri, "Differences in 1D electron plasma wake field acceleration in MeV versus GeV and linear versus blowout regimes", Physics of Plasmas 25, 032114 (2018) , arXiv:1711.09766.

71. D. Tsiklauri, "Electron plasma wake field acceleration in solar coronal and chromospheric plasmas", Physics of Plasmas 24, 072902 (2017) doi: 10.1063/1.4990560arXiv:1706.05265.

70. D. Tsiklauri, "Collisionless, phase-mixed, dispersive, Gaussian Alfven pulse in transversely inhomogeneous plasma", Phys. Plasmas 23, 122906 (2016) doi: 10.1063/1.4972574arXiv:1612.04310.

69. D. Tsiklauri, "The effect of longitudinal density gradient on electron plasma wake field acceleration", Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 472, 20160630 (2016), DOI:10.1098/rspa.2016.0630, arXiv:1606.00367 (note that arXiv version includes additional 1D and 2D runs).

68. J.O. Thurgood, D. Tsiklauri, "Particle-in-cell simulations of the relaxation of electron beams in inhomogeneous solar wind plasmas", J. Plasma Phys. 82, 905820604 (2016), doi:10.1017/S0022377816000970.

67. J. Graf von der Pahlen, D. Tsiklauri, "The role of electron inertia and reconnection dynamics in a stressed X-point collapse with a guide field", Astron. Astrophys. 595, A84 (2016).

66. D. Tsiklauri, "Alfven wave phase-mixing in flows: why over-dense solar coronal open magnetic field structures are cool?", Astron. Astrophys. 586, A95 (2016).

65. J.O. Thurgood, D. Tsiklauri, "Self-consistent particle-in-cell simulations of fundamental and harmonic radio plasma emission mechanisms", Astron. Astrophys. 584, A83 (2015).

64. J. Graf von der Pahlen, D. Tsiklauri, "The effects of ion mass variation and domain size on octupolar out-of-plane magnetic field generation in collisionless magnetic reconnection", Phys. Plasmas 22, 032905 (2015).

63. J. Graf von der Pahlen, D. Tsiklauri, "Octupolar out-of-plane magnetic field structure generation during collisionless magnetic reconnection in a stressed X-point collapse", Phys. Plasmas 21, 060705 (2014), Movie 1.

62. D. Tsiklauri, "3D MHD simulation of linearly polarised Alfven wave dynamics in Arnold-Beltrami-Childress magnetic field", Phys. Plasmas 21, 052902 (2014), arXiv:1405.0587 [astro-ph.SR] Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3, Movie 4, Movie 5.

61. M. Skender, D. Tsiklauri, "Whistler wave generation by non-gyrotropic, relatvistic, electron beams", Phys. Plasmas 21, 042904 (2014).

60. R. Pechhacker, D. Tsiklauri, "3D particle-in-cell simulation of electron acceleration by Langmuir waves in an inhomogeneous plasma", Phys. Plasmas 21, 012903 (2014), Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3, Movie 4, Movie 5.

59. J. Graf von der Pahlen, D. Tsiklauri, "The effect of guide-field and boundary conditions on collisionless magnetic reconnection in a stressed X-point collapse", Phys. Plasmas 21, 012901 (2014), Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3, Movie 4, Movie 5, Movie 6.

58. H. Schmitz, D. Tsiklauri, "The effect of initial conditions on the electromagnetic radiation generation in type III solar radio bursts", Phys. Plasmas 20, 062903 (2013).

57. R. Pechhacker, D. Tsiklauri, "Electron cyclotron maser emission mode coupling to the z-mode on a longitudinal density gradient in the context of solar type III bursts", Phys. Plasmas 19, 110702 (2012), Movie 1, Movie 2.

56. R. Pechhacker, D. Tsiklauri, "The effect of electron beam pitch angle and density gradient on solar type III radio bursts", Phys. Plasmas 19, 112903 (2012), Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3, Movie 4, Movie 5, Movie 6, Movie 7.

55. Tsiklauri D., "Three dimensional particle-in-cell simulation of particle acceleration by circularly polarised inertial Alfven waves in a transversely inhomogeneous plasma", Phys. Plasmas 19, 082903 (2012), Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3.

54. D. Tsiklauri, "Particle acceleration by circularly and elliptically polarised dispersive Alfven waves in a transversely inhomogeneous plasma in the inertial and kinetic regimes", Phys. Plasmas 18, 092903 (2011).

53. D. Tsiklauri, "An alternative to the plasma emission model: Particle-In-Cell, self-consistent electromagnetic wave emission simulations of solar type III radio bursts", Physics of Plasmas 18, 052903 (2011).

52. D. Tsiklauri, R. Pechhacker, "Heating of solar chromosphere by electromagnetic wave absorption in a plasma slab model", Phys. Plasmas 18, 042901 (2011).

51. D. Tsiklauri, "Galaxy rotation curves: the effect of j x B force", Astrophysics & Space Science, 334, 165-170, (2011).

50. D. Tsiklauri, "Vlasov-Maxwell, self-consistent electromagnetic wave emission simulations in the solar corona", Solar Phys (2010) 267, pp.393-410, movie 1, movie 2, movie 3.

49. M.J. Aschwanden, D. Tsiklauri, "The hydrodynamic evolution of impulsively heated coronal loops: explicit analitical approimations", The Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 185, 171 (2009).

48. O. Umnova, D. Tsiklauri, R. Venegas "Effect of boundary slip on the acoustical properties of microfibrous materials", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 126, Issue 4, pp. 1850-1861 (2009).

47. Tsiklauri D., "Missing pieces of the solar jigsaw puzzle", Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 50, Issue 5, pp. 5.32-5.38 (2009).

46. N. H. Bian, Tsiklauri D., "Compressible Hall magnetohydrodynamics in a strong magnetic field", Phys. Plasmas, 16, 064503 (2009).

45. Tsiklauri D., "A new fast reconnection model in a collisionless regime", Phys. Plasmas, 15, 112903 (2008).

44. Tsiklauri D., T. Haruki "Physics of collisionless phase mixing", Phys. of Plasmas, 15, 112902 (2008).

43. Tsiklauri D., T. Haruki "Physics of collisionless reconnection in a stressed X-point collapse", Phys. of Plasmas, 15, 102902 (2008).

42. Bian N. and Tsiklauri D., "Mixing of shear Alfven wave packets", Astron. Astrophys., 489, 1291-1295 (2008).

41. Tsiklauri D. and T. Haruki, "Magnetic reconnection during collisionless, stressed, X-point collapse using Particle-in-Cell simulation", Phys. of Plasmas, 14, 112905, (2007).

40. P.D. Smith, Tsiklauri D., M.S. Ruderman "Enhanced phase mixing of Alfven waves propagating in stratified and divergent coronal structures", Astron. Astrophys., 475, 1111-1123, (2007).

39. Tsiklauri D., "A minimal model of parallel electric field generation in a transversely inhomogeneous plasma", New J. Phys. 9, 262, (2007), Animation (1), Animation (2), Animation (3).

38. M.J. Aschwanden, A. Winebarger, Tsiklauri D., and H. Peter, "The Coronal Heating Paradox", Astrophys. J., 659, 1673-1681, (2007).

37. Tsiklauri D., "A mechanism for parallel electric field generation in the MHD limit: possible implications for the coronal heating problem in the two stage mechanism", Astron. Astrophys., 455, 1073-1080, (2006).

36. Tsiklauri D., "A fresh look at the heating mechanisms of the solar corona", New J. Phys., 8, 79, (2006).

35. J.I. Sakai, W. Yamamura, S. Saito, H. Washimi, D. Tsiklauri and G. Vekstein, "Particle simulation of plasma heating by a large-amplitude shear Alfven wave through its transverse modulation in collisionless plasmas", New J. Phys., 7, 233, (2005).

34. Tsiklauri D., "The Sun as a MHD generator: application of a new heating mechanism for the coronal loops and closed magnetic structures", Astron. Astrophys., 441, 1177-1181, (2005).

33. Tsiklauri D. , J.-I. Sakai, S. Saito, "Particle-In-Cell simulations of circularly polarised Alfven wave phase mixing: A new mechanism for electron acceleration in collisionless plasmas", Astron. Astrophys., 435, 1105-1113, (2005).

32. Tsiklauri D. , J.-I. Sakai, S. Saito, "Phase mixing of shear Alfven waves as a new mechanism for electron acceleration in collisionless, kinetic plasmas", New J. Phys., 7, 79, (2005).

31. Tsiklauri D., V.M. Nakariakov, T.D. Arber, M.J. Aschwanden, "Flare generated acoustic oscillations in solar and stellar coronal loops", Astron. Astrophys., 422, 351-355, (2004).

30. Tsiklauri D. , M.J. Aschwanden, V.M. Nakariakov, and T.D. Arber, "Radiative Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Bastille-Day Flare (14 July, 2000): I. Numerical Simulations", Astron. Astrophys., 419, 1149-1158, (2004).

29. V.M. Nakariakov, Tsiklauri D., A. Kelly, T.D. Arber, M.J. Aschwanden, "Acoustic oscillations in solar and stellar flaring loops", Astron. Astrophys. Lett., 414, L25-L28 (2004).

28. Tsiklauri D. , Nakariakov V.M. and Rowlands G., "Phase-mixing of Three Dimensional MHD Pulse in a Transversely Inhomogeneous Medium", Astron. Astrophys.; 400, 1051-1055 (2003).

27. Cooper F.C. , Nakariakov V.M., and Tsiklauri D. "Line-of-sight Effects on Observability of Kink Modes in Coronal Structures with Imaging Telescopes", Astron. Astrophys., 397, 765-770 (2003).

26. Tsiklauri D. and Beresnev I., "Properties of Elastic Waves in a Non-Newtonian (Maxwell) Fluid-Saturated Porous Medium", Transport in Porous Media, 53, 39-50 (2003).

25. Tsiklauri D. and Nakariakov V.M., "A Three Dimensional MHD Pulse in a Transversely Inhomogeneous Medium", Astron. Astrophys., 393, 321-329 (2002).

24. Tsiklauri D. , Nakariakov V.M., and Arber T.D., "A Strongly Nonlinear Alfvenic Pulse in a Transversely Inhomogeneous Medium", Astron. Astrophys., 395, 285-292 (2002).

23. Tsiklauri D., "Phenomenological model of propagation of the elastic waves in a fluid-saturated porous solid with non-zero boundary slip velocity", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112, 843-849 (2002).

22. Tsiklauri D., Arber T.D., and Nakariakov V.M., "A Weakly Nonlinear Alfvenic Pulse in a Transversely inhomogeneous Medium", Astron. Astrophys., 379, 1098-1105 (2001).

21. Tsiklauri D. and Nakariakov V.M., "Wide-Spectrum Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops", Astron. Astrophys., 379, 1106-1112 (2001)

20. Tsiklauri D. and Beresnev I., "Non-Newtonian effects in the peristaltic flow of a Maxwell fluid", Phys. Rev. E 64, 036303--1-5 (2001), see also ERRATUM, Phys. Rev. E 73, 029901 E (2006).

19. Tsiklauri D. and Beresnev I., "Enhancement in the dynamic response of a viscoelastic fluid flowing through a longitudinally vibrating tube", Phys. Rev. E 63, 046304--1-4 (2001).

18. Tsiklauri D., "Component thermalization time-scale estimate for the advection dominated accretion flow around Sgr A*", New Astron., 6, 487-491, (2001).

17. Tsiklauri D.,"On the gravitational stability of interstellar gas clouds in the background dark matter", New Astron., 5, 361-365, (2000).

16. Tsiklauri D., "Kinetic model of three component, weakly ionized, collisional plasma with a beam of neutral partiles", Phys. Plasmas, 7, 493-496, (2000).

15. Munyaneza F., Tsiklauri D. and Viollier R.D., "Dynamics of the star S0-1 and the nature of the compact dark object at the Galactic center", Astrophys. J., 526, 744-751, (1999).

14. Tsiklauri D. and Viollier R.D., "Heavy neutrino dark matter as a possible solution to the "blackness problem" of the galactic center", Astroparticle Phys., 12, 199-205, (1999)

13. Tsiklauri D. and Viollier R.D., "On the formation of dark matter balls composed of heavy, degenerate neutrinos", Astrophys. J., 501, 486-492, (1998).

12. Tsiklauri D. and Viollier R.D., "Dark matter concentration in the galactic center", Astrophys. J., 500, 591-595, (1998).

11. Bilic N., Tsiklauri D. and Viollier R.D., "Gravitational phase transition of heavy neutrino matter", Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 40, 17-28, (1998).

10. Tsiklauri D. "Jeans instability of interstellar gas clouds in the background of weakly interacting massive particles", Astrophys. J., 507, 226-228, (1998).

9. Munyaneza F., Tsiklauri D. and Viollier R.D., "Sgr A*: A supermassive black hole or a spatially extended object?", Astrophys. J., 509, L105-L109, (1998).

8. Chagelishvili G.D., Rogava A.D. and Tsiklauri D.G., "compressible hydromagnetic shear flows with anisotropic thermal pressure: non-modal study of waves and instabilities", Phys. Plasmas, 4, 1182-1195, (1997).

7. Tsiklauri D.,"Two-component radiation model of the sonoluminescing bubble", Phys. Rev. E, 56, 6245-6247 (1997).

6. Tsiklauri D.G., "On the conical refraction of hydromagnetic waves in plasma with anisotropic thermal pressure", Phys. Plasmas, 3, 800-803, (1996).

5. Tsiklauri D.G., "On the conical refraction of hydromagnetic waves in plasma with anisotropic thermal pressure: General consideration", Phys. Plasmas, 3, 3902-3905, (1996).

4. Chagelishvili G. D., Rogava A.D. and Tsiklauri D.G., "On effect of coupling and linear transformation of waves in shear flows", Phys. Rev. E, 53, 6028-6031, (1996).

3. Tsiklauri D. and Viollier R.D., "On possible signatures of heavy neutrino balls in active galactic nuclei", Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 282, 1299-1304, (1996).

2. Tsikarishvili E.G., Rogava A.D. and Tsiklauri D.G., "Relativistic, hot stellar winds with anisotropic pressure" Astrophys. J., 439, 822-827, (1995).

1. Rogava A.D. and Tsiklauri D.G.,"The structure of the accretion disc boundary layer around a rotating, non-magnetized star", Astrophys. and Space Sci., 204, 9-18, (1993).

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