Unreal Engine 5

Wiki by DaveTheFreak

This wiki contains mostly preset-code for Blueprints and C++ in case there aren't too many tutorials or examples out there to work with.
There are no real tutorials here, just some code-snippets to solve certain problems I have hade during developing with Unreal Engine 5.
When working with Unreal, certain functions may seem weird or it's not totally clear, what to input etc. Hence, again, the wiki with everything that took me a while to figure out.


About Me

Hey, my name is Dave Scholze and I've working with Unreal Engine since 2014 (and UDK before that). Since 2021 however I finally became a professional working for a company as an official Unreal Developer, whereas before I was doing everything in my free-time while doing some part-time jobs.

I'm well verses with Blueprints, the Material Editor and C++ using Unreals' framework. Everything else I can do do too, but not as well. Therefore I'm more of a jack of all trades, master of some.