(2014-2015) Erasure Codes With Locality

We investigated constructions of erasure codes with different locality properties on repair and decoding.

[4] W. Song, H. Dau, C. Yuen, and T. J. Li, “Optimal Locally Repairable Linear Codes,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), volume 32, number 5, pages 1019-1036, 2014.

[3] W. Song, H. Dau, and C. Yuen, “Erasure codes with symbol locality and group decodability for distributed storage,” IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), pages 74-78, 2015.

[2] H. M. Kiah, H. Dau, W. Song, and C. Yuen, “Local Codes with Addition Based Repair,” IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), pages 59-63, 2015.

[1] H. Dau, H. M. Kiah, W. Song, and C. Yuen, “Locally encodable and decodable codes for distributed storage systems”, Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2015.