operating systems

2019 Spring


  • Course Instructor: Eunji Lee (ejlee@ssu.ac.kr)

  • Time: W / F 12pm to 13:15pm

  • Teaching Assistant: TBC

  • Textbook: "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces" - Remzi H. and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau (2018 Feb.) Available at http://ostep.org

  • Lecture notes will be uploaded at myclass.ssu.ac.kr


  • [2019. 3. 2] Homepage is open!

Course Schedule

  • Week1. Introduction to Operating Systems (3/6, 8) - CH1 to CH2

  • Week2. Processes (3/13, 15) - CH3 to CH6

  • Week3. Scheduling (3/20, 22) - CH7 to CH11

  • No class (3/27 - 29)

  • Week4. Virtual Memory (4/3, 5) - CH12 to CH17

  • Week5. Paging (4/10) - CH18

  • Weel6. TLBs, Page Tables (4/12, 4/17) - CH19 to CH20

  • Week7. Swapping (4/19, 4/24, 4/27) - CH21 to CH22

  • Week8. Midterm exam (4/30)

  • Week9. Threads (5/1, 3) - CH25 to CH27

  • Week10. Locks / Lock-based Data Structures (5/8, 10) - CH28 to CH29

  • Week11. Conditional Variables, Semaphores (5/15, 17) - CH30 to CH31

  • Week12. I/O Devices (5/22, 24) - CH36 to CH38

  • Week13. File Systems, File System Implementation (5/29, 31) - CH39 to CH40

  • Week14. FileSystem Implementation / File System Consistency (6/5, 7, 12) - CH42

  • Week15. Final exam (6/14)

  • Week16. Make-up classes: Advanced Topics in OS


  • HW1. Multi-level feedback queue (Due: 4/10)

  • HW2. Page fault tracing

  • HW3. TBD

  • Students will be given 2-3 projects during a course


  • 1st : Process : Ch4 Process - Ch 7 Limited Direct Execution (3/20 수)

  • 2nd: Memory(1): Ch12 Memory Virtualization - Ch17 Free Space Management (4/12, 금)

  • 3rd: Memory (2) : Ch18 Paging - Ch.22 Beyond Physical Memory - No Quiz! (4/26 중간고사에 포함)

  • 4th: Threads & Concurrent Data Structures

  • 5th: File system


  • Mid-term (30%), Final (40%), Projects (20%), Attendance and etc (10%)

  • 결석 시 출석인정은 "유고결석" 으로 등록된 사항에 한함.

  • 출석 점수는 총 30회 출석 기준으로 결석은 1점 감점, 지각은 0.3점 감점.

  • 출석 부른 이후부터 수업시작 20분 이후까지가 지각. 그 이후에는 결석.

  • 개별과제 2-3회 부여 예정 (조정될 수 있음)